The biggest challenge for today was getting out of the campground at the Missouri State Fair Grounds. After four straight days of rain, the grounds were a muddy mess. At 7:00 a.m. I watched the motorhome on my right try to leave, and just get bogged down. The tires ended up ten inches into the mud and the hitch on the back of the rig was on the ground. At 8:00, the motorhome on my left ended up in the same situation. I decided to drive the car to the hitch-up breakfast at the other end of the fairgrounds. I got an outstanding homemade biscuits with gravy and juice for only two bucks. After I got back to the rig, I finished my pack-up routine and shortly after ten, I decided to give it a try to pull out. The waiting list for the tow truck already had 15 rigs on the list, so I figured what the heck.... might as well give it a try. Sometimes there's a real advantage to not having a 40' rig and this was one of them. I put it in low gear and drove right out of the site to the cheers of the not so fortunate onlookers. :) I was on cloud nine and moved the rig to a big paved parking lot on the fair grounds about a half mile away. Then I walked back to my site to get the car and drove that over to hook it up. By 10:30, I was on the road and headed north. What a relief!!!
I had some really detailed directions from the volunteer coordinator at Swan Lake. All travel today involved country roads, but after two hours and 82 miles, I arrived at my destination. I had heard that the secondary roads in Missouri are not very nice, but I must say that the seven roads I traversed were all smooth and well taken care of. There were two construction stops along the way, but overall a very nice journey.
I took my time setting up camp at one of the two RV volunteer sites. The couple, Morry and Margaret, in the other site are pulling out on Sunday morning. They have been here three months, and their assignment is about over. Since Kirk and Pam are unable to come, I can move to the other site on Sunday if I want. After spending the evening here, I think I'll stay where I'm at. The other site has full sun all afternoon, and I do like to sit outside in the late afternoon and evening. I'm facing the opposite way, so I'll have shade to enjoy my time outside.
The sites are brand new cement pads with full hookups. The water pressure is phenomenal, and the view is very nice. I'm not looking at the maintenance buildings! Emma and I tried to walk the half mile wildlife trail this evening, but only made it about three quarters of the way when the trail seemed to end and we ran into a sign saying the area was closed. I don't know if I took a wrong turn somewhere or what. I'll have to ask about that. Anyway, we back tracked our way back to home. I put up my bird feeders and hummingbird feeder, set up the DISH in record time, set the tomato plants out, put out the awning, set up my rocker, and just kicked back. So far, I really like this refuge.
Tomorrow, I'll get the bicycle down, do laundry, and learn the ropes of the visitor's center before Morry and Margaret leave. That's the plan anyway. I have my trucker's antenna up and barely have a connection so I'll see if I can post any pictures tomorrow.
Thanks for stopping to you later, Judy
Welcome Gunnar!
5 hours ago
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