The weather has just been fantastic here so far. It's cool enough over night that I have the electric heaters going to keep the rig at 70*. It warms up during the day into the lower 70's and the skies have been sunny.
I just tried to upload some pics from Rice Lake, and they have somehow disappeared. I don't understand that. I created a new folder in My Pictures for Rice Lake, and one moment it was there, and the next it wasn't! I don't know what's up with that.
Anyway, after our morning walk, I had to do laundry in Owatonna since I left Swan Lake a day early. Next to the laundromat is a butcher store that I remembered from two years ago. While the clothes were washing I went in and purchased a pork chop, rib eye steak, and two smoked pork chops. The meat from this shop is outstanding, and I also ordered a very thin round steak to pick up next week so I can make "birds". I'll explain that recipe in a later post.
Upon my return, I had lunch while Emma was on her lead outside. When I finished, I went outside and noticed that Emma was foaming at the mouth. She was laying down at the foot of the stairs, and in between her front paws was a toad. Aha! I knew what this meant. She had found a toad, picked it up in her mouth, and suffered the consequences. Toads exude something through their skin when threatened, and Emma experienced that. Obviously, she dropped the toad and was just looking at it while she dealt with the foaming. I guess the moral to this story is to not suck toads, unless you are in Toad Suck, Arkansas! The defense mechanism works well, as the toad hopped away unscathed.
Thanks for stopping to you later, Judy
Quick Fix and Time.
2 hours ago
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