Many years ago when I was a child, I remember playing a game with my younger brother, Kurt. It involved two toothpicks, two Sears Christmas catalogs, and many pictures that were cut out of magazines. I don't kow if my mother devised this game to keep us quiet or not, but I do remember enjoying it.
We scattered the cut out pictures throughout our catalog, and then took turns poking a toothpick into our oponent's book hoping to find a page with a picture in it. If we were successful, we put that picture in our catalog. Of course, there were very favorite pictures that were coveted by both of us.
While I was reading through some of my magazines today, I thought of that game. I don't get very many magazines, but a picture of a cracker tripped me back. Since I have four grandchildren and another on the way, I decided I'd start collecting interesting pictures from the magazines so when the grandkids are old enough to visit me, I'll have the catalog book game to play with them. I'm not even sure Sears puts out a catalog anymore, but I'll find something. In the meantime, I've got about 40 pictures cut out so far, but need many more. I'll work on it as I move around the country. Does anyone else remember this game?
I was up before the crack of dawn today to return to the Mayo Clinic for a blood test and a ECG. That's it for my medical appointments, so I'm free to move on as soon as the parts come in for the motorhome.
In preparation for moving on, I began the slow process of packing up today. I removed the face from the tree, beat and folded up the outside rug, and returned several outdoor items to their basement storage places. If I get a call from Universal RV, my plans are to head out on Thursday or Friday. If the parts don't come in, it will put a real crimp in my plans. I do have a reservation at Indiana Dunes State Park next Monday, that has already been paid for. Oh well, I guess I'll just see what happens.
Thanks for stopping to you later, Judy
4 hours ago
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