Both yesterday and today, I drove into Dyer, IN, to visit Robyn & family. What a hoot it is to watch an a 19 month old discover and enjoy her universe. Phoebe, the one month old, pretty much just sleeps and eats. Before returning to the campground, yesterday, I was in charge of piloting Avery up and down the aisles of Wal-mart while her parents had a meeting at a mortgage company a few buildings down. Avery babbled and babbled as we "drove" around. I needed to get a new road atlas and throw rug for in front of the kitchen sink. After finding what I needed, I headed towards the toy department, and Avery shouted "Elmo!" Sure enough, there was an Elmo toy on display. I always enjoyed Sesame Street when my kids were growing up, but Grover was my favorite. Apparently, Grover has slipped from the lime light, and Elmo is now a member of the "in" crowd.
Today, I headed into Dyer fairly early and took Emma and my computer with me. My son-in-law, Dennis, was going to help me with a few computer issues I was having, and succeeded in solving all my problems. Ya-hoooo! I hooked Emma out to a tree in their backyard, and around noon my sister, Pam, arrived to visit for the afternoon and meet the new baby in the family. We all had a great time, and before you knew it, it was five o'clock, and time for me to pack up and head back to the campground before it got dark. I really don't drive after dark anymore unless it is really necessary.
It was a good day to be gone from the campground as every site is full and there must be 1,000 kids on bikes and scooters flying around the roads. There are probably also about 1000 dogs barking as well. ;) Perhaps, I exaggerate a little...
Robyn, Dennis, and the kids are supposed to come to the park to visit tomorrow, and then on Monday I'll be heading out towards Denver. It has been a great visit for the last week, but I'm ready to head on down the road.
Thanks for stopping to you later, Judy
4 hours ago
Sounds like you had a pleasant time. Today was "free day" at the national parks, and this place was hopping, too! I am glad it was my day off.