The trip from Swan Lake NWR, MO, to Rice Lake State Park, MN, was not exactly uneventful. Uneventful is the way I like my traveling days, but it was not to be. After leaving the refuge, I noticed that there was a "thunk" whenever I slowed down or stopped. While driving along, I checked my rear view camera, and it appeared that the car was not staying directly behind the motorhome. It looked like it was weaving off to the right. That's not good. Finally, I just stopped in the middle of the road at a place that I thought might be fairly safe. With all the hills, and curves on the two lane road out to US 36, I just couldn't stop anywhere. Sure enough, the toad had lurched over to the right. The reason is hard to explain if you are not familiar with using a Blue Ox tow bar, but suffice it to say, I was able to correct the problem.
Then it was a fairly smooth 389 miles to the state park. Once again I decided to do that long drive in just one day. When I got to Rice Lake (a day early), the host site was occupied. I filled the water tank and chose another site. For a change, I hooked up the electricity before I put the slides out. I'm glad I did, because there was something wrong with the electric hookup. After trying five times to get it to work, I decided to move the rig to another site. I was then able to set up for the night with the knowledge that I would move again today.
This afternoon, the August hosts moved out, and I set up, once again, in site B-1.
Getting in and most of the set up routine was a breeze, but getting the DISH set up was a real challenge. It's been two years since I've set the DISH up here, and I guess the trees have grown taller. After two hours of frustration, I was finally able to hone in on the satellites. Then I set up the trucker's antenna and amplifier so I could get Internet reception, and put out my rug, rocker, and two bird feeders. After covering the picnic table with my tablecloth, I settled down to enjoy what was left of the evening until the mosquitoes and cool temps sent me inside.
After the hot and muggy temps in Missouri, it was refreshing to need sweatpants and a sweatshirt in order to sit outside. The area is experiencing lower than normal temperatures and I'm thrilled.
Thanks for stopping to you later, Judy
So much to see in Mexico City
5 hours ago
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