Wednesday, December 30, 2009
Sad news
I just read his email. At this point, my mother cannot speak and has no use of any part of the right side of her body. My brother said that it looked like she wanted to tell him something, but couldn't.
When I visited her in September, I blogged that I had found out that she was diagnosed with Alzheimer's. Now, a stroke. She is 92 years old and has had a good life, all in all. It is hard for me to deal with her declining. I am just very sad tonight. :(
Thanks for stopping to you later, Judy
Tuesday, December 29, 2009
A simple pleasure
There is a shower in the community building, but I haven't used it until today because the fire guys that live in trailers here use it and leave all their towels and soap, etc., on all the bathroom hooks and inside the shower. That kind of gets on my last nerve. They left town for the holidays last Thursday, but all their crap is still in the bathroom. Each site alternates cleaning the building each week, and when Anne cleaned this week she moved all their stuff to the second bathroom that doesn't have a shower. So, today I basked in the luxury of taking a shower without having to turn the water off several times. I'd sort of forgotten how nice that can be. It's been a while since I had that option.
When I use a community shower, I carry in my soaps and towels and shower shoes, and carry them out again when I'm done. These young guys need to be a little more thoughtful about their actions. (including putting the toilet seat down ;)) You can be sure I will mention it to them when they return. Sorry about the little rant, but they are supposed to be adults and I'm not their mother!
Thanks for stopping to you later, Judy
Monday, December 28, 2009
Bolivar Peninsula
Sunday, December 27, 2009
The Sunday Blast from the Past
I don't remember the name of this dwelling, but they were all fascinating to me. I took a half day ranger led tour while I was there, and felt it was well worth the $50 cost.
I was happy I had made reservations at the park campground, as there weren't any empty sites. The cost was just under $33/night, but that did include water and electric. I didn't qualify for an Interagency Senior Pass at that time, so I paid the full price.
After leaving Mesa Verde, I slowly made my way to Albuquerque to check off an experience on my bucket list. Stay tuned next Sunday for that blast.
Thanks for stopping to you later, Judy
Saturday, December 26, 2009
Back to working the VIS
I had at least hoped to try to get another chance to get a picture of the vermilion flycatcher, but I didn't even see him until it was time to close. I was afraid that he had been blown away during the severe winds on Thursday. It's raining a little again this evening (what else is new?), but hopefully it will be sunny tomorrow.
I will be arriving at the VIS by 6:30 tomorrow morning to participate in the Christmas Bird Count. At this time of the year, tens of thousands of birders participate in Christmas Bird Counts across the USA, Canada, and Mexico. The statistics from these counts have been accumulated for at least 50 years. The count areas are designated circles with a fifteen mile diameter. All birds seen or heard in these circles are counted during a 24 hour period.
Back when I lived in Newark Valley, NY, I participated in about 15 years of these counts. I'd get the kids up before dawn, and off we'd go to our designated section of the circle around Owego, NY. They'd moan and groan about this, but I hope it gave them some appreciation for the avian inhabitants of our planet. I'm hoping Christmas counting in Texas will be more pleasant weather wise than it was in upstate NY. ;)
Here's to a good "Tweet" tomorrow.....
Thanks for stopping to you later, Judy
Friday, December 25, 2009
Merry Christmas!
I will spend the evening watching TV and listening for the snap of the traps. :)
Thanks for stopping to you later, Judy
Thursday, December 24, 2009
One heck of a cold front
Eventually, the front moved through, the rain abated, and the skies cleared. The wind, however, continued to blow at an average of 32mph with gusts much higher. I had to make a the salinity tests and bird survey today, or try to get it done tomorrow morning before starting to cook for our Christmas Dinner at the RV pads. I decided to get it done today, so off I went.
I have two places that I stop to do the salinity tests, and this is the first one. I hope you notice the muddy conditions. I donned my rubber boots, stuffed the salinity meter into my pockets, grabbed my walking stick for stability, and began the challenge of sloshing through the muck and mire.
This is the view looking back through the mud that is spiced with plenty of cow pies. :) A fragrant and boot sucking trek to say the least. This is where the cattle drive, that I posted pictures of last week, ended up. The cows had moved off to another section, so at least I didn't have to deal with them up close and personal.
Once I got to the culvert that has locks (as in water locks, not combination/key locks) on it for increasing/decreasing water flow, I took out the salinity tester. It measures salinity in parts per million.
My job is to submerge the sensor to several inches above the bottom to get a reading. Today, the reading was 4.4; last time it was 3.3, so things do change.
After I tested in four locations, I drove to the Shoveler Pond Loop to do the bird survey. Since the hurricane, there has generally not been much to see on the loop bird wise. I thought it might be a little different this afternoon because of the high winds. The slightly inland location of the loop would afford some protection from those winds. I was right! While the variety and number of birds was not astronomical, it was probably the best count for this year. It took me two hours to do that 2.5 mile loop.
I'm really glad that I did the tests and survey today so I can just enjoy the holiday tomorrow. The winds are still blasting away close to 40 mph, but they're supposed to subside to around 20 by 9:00. Maybe these conditions will keep the rodents flying past the rig tonight????
Thanks for stopping to you later, Judy
Wednesday, December 23, 2009
A scary experience!
I turned around and cautiously headed back to the shop only to find that the gate was closed and locked. I have a key to get in, but the problem was that a closed gate meant no one was is the temporary office area or the shop. I had noticed that Chuck, the staff that takes care of all the vehicles, had left the refuge around noon. Now what do I do? I didn't want to try driving the ten miles back to the rigs on FM 1985. I had passed John, the refuge assistant manager, on the road, but was unable to stop to flag him down. Thank goodness, I carry an emergency phone list for the refuge in my fanny pack. I called John, and he was able to return to the shop and get a different vehicle for me so I could get back home. Now I'm driving a ten passenger van around. That's really overkill for what I need, but at least the brakes work.
I also spotted a Roseate Spoonbill quite a distance out in the fresh water marsh. This one wasn't very rosy, so I guess it hasn't been eating too many shrimp, which produce the reddish color.
Loosing the brakes was enough excitement for me for today. By the way, the body count is up to seven so far. After a suggestion from a reader, Jack, to fix them for Christmas dinner, I'm thinking of keeping them in the freezer so I can share the wealth with him in case he visits next month. ;)
Thanks for stopping to you later, Judy
Tuesday, December 22, 2009
Holiday food
After that tasty meal, I decided to go up to the building for some socializing. It turns out that Sonny had made Oysters Rockefeller with a great bunch of oysters he had taken from the bay. Well now, I've never eaten an oyster in my life! After a little harassment from the others, I decided to give it a try. I only ate one since I had just had a big meal, but it was quite tasty. Sonny's recipe called for a combination of cheese, bacon, oyster, spinach, and Worcestershire sauce. It was served on the half shell and made a pretty presentation.
Not much else is new for today. Rain is moving back in this evening and lasting until Thursday. I'd better go check the traps now....
Thanks for stopping to you later, Judy
Monday, December 21, 2009
Increasing my arsenal!
So, today I went to Lowe's in Baytown, TX, to get a new electric space heater. The one I have in the front of the rig has been acting funny recently, and I thought I should replace it before something unfortunate happened. I've used it quite a bit in the last three years, and I'd rather be safe than sorry. While I was at Lowe's, I checked out their mouse traps and was finally able to find the kind I'm comfortable with. I bought four more of them.
When I got back to the rig, I heard mouse type noises that seemed to come from under the shower. Under my refrigerator, which is next to the shower, I have a long shallow drawer that I keep all my tin foil, baggies, and plastic wrap in. I decided to pull that drawer out to see what was underneath it. As I pulled it out, it was obvious that this was a favorite location for my adversaries. P.U.!!!! I didn't need to see the evidence, I could smell it. I loaded up a trap with peanut butter and put it under the drawer on the floor. It is behind a portion of the lower wall where quite a few electrical wires are located. Within 30 minutes, I had caught two mice. Aha...maybe I'm making some headway. YUCK...I hate meeces to pieces!
As if the mouse problem isn't enough, I had another surprise this weekend. When I wake up in the morning, I look out the window at the head of my bed to see what is going on with the weather. Yesterday morning, about 6:30, I looked out the window and noticed a huge spray of water going up and out from my hose connection. The small ditch to the east of the rig was full of water. Sometime during the night a hole had blown out in the Y connection that the hose was attached to. I scrambled to get outside and turn off the water. That connector and hose belong to the refuge and have been in place for several years. The fire guys couldn't get it off when they moved the refuge trailer off of the site last week when I moved over here. The connection was so corroded, that it was impossible to unscrew it. Of course it was Sunday, so no one was working on the refuge. Luckily, I had about 12 gallons left in my fresh water tank from my travels. Nathan, the maintenance guy, was able to replace the old corroded faucet today, so I'm back in business for doing dishes and showering. It wasn't a horrible experience, but just one of those little bumps in the road.
Thanks for stopping to you later, Judy
Sunday, December 20, 2009
The Sunday Blast from the Past
Saturday, December 19, 2009
Working the VIS
So, there was not much to do except go outside with my camera and see if I could find that vermilion flycatcher. ;)
Right in back of the temporary VIS is a small pond (the one that had all the frogs wiped out by hurricane Ike). Those black dots in the sky are starlings...ugh. It's a pretty little pond and the flycatcher likes to hang out around it.
Eventually, the little dude showed up. This shot is better than the last one I took, but I'm still not satisfied. Of course, each time I got the camera set up, he decided to flit off to some other perch in his search for insects on the wing. I'm not giving up yet. I've got about six weeks left to get a better shot.
By the end of the day, the grand total of folks that stopped in the VIS was 19, and I had $34 worth of sales. Not exactly the big time, but it sure beats being skunked all day like I was at Swan Lake NWR in Missouri last summer. I always enjoy talking with the visitors, and I had two fellows that were repeats from last weekend. One is an English chap who kindly noticed that I wasn't Colin. :) The other was a fellow from about eighty miles away that has never been out of the state of Texas. He was astounded to learn that I drive my rig by myself and travel around the country alone. I told him I am one of many, but he just couldn't believe that a good looking, bright woman (his words) like me would travel alone. He should have stopped there with the flattering comments, but he didn't. He went on to say...surely, there's some old geezer out there with the same interests that you could hook up with! Oh boy! I reminded myself that he was a visitor and remained pleasant. I'm sure he'll be back with more words of wisdom in the future.
Just another day in the VIS...
Thanks for stopping to you later, Judy
Friday, December 18, 2009
Finally, a break in the bad weather
This must be the year of the small rodent at Anahuac. Makes me think of the rise and fall of the lemming populations in the far north. I'm sure all the northern harriers and red-tailed hawks must be staying healthy with the wealth of food for them to catch. Do you more mature folks remember the body counts on the nightly news during the Viet Nam War? Well, we have our own version of the body count each morning as we compare notes on how many mice were caught in the traps overnight at the RV pads! Wouldn't it be wonderful if rodent engagements were the only kind of war our country had to deal with?
After lunch, I headed over to the office, in the town of Anahuac, and worked with Stephanie all afternoon on the education programs. We were able to get the kindergarten program ironed out and began work on the first grade program. We have to make sure that what we do goes along with the Texas science standards for each grade level. Kindergarten students need to learn about their five senses, so we developed a station for each sense. Most stations are activity driven at that age, and I think we came up with some enjoyable learning experiences for the little people. Stephanie has the next two weeks off, so I won't be meeting with her again until the new year.
Tomorrow, I'm scheduled to work in the VIS all day, so I'll have to be up and at 'em quickly in the morning. I'm still debating whether or not to take Emma along with me. Nine hours is a long time to just leave her to her own devices in the rig. :(
Thanks for stopping to you later, Judy
Thursday, December 17, 2009
Ugh!! Another day of rain
The skies are supposed to clear overnight and no rain is forecast until next Tuesday. I sure hope the forecasters are correct. I have to work at the shop tomorrow, run the VIS (visitor's information station) on Saturday, and hope to finally do the salinty tests and bird counts on Sunday. That should allow for three days for the back roads to dry out some.
I'm afraid that there is nothing else to report from the soggy south....
Thanks for stopping to you later, Judy
Tuesday, December 15, 2009
The battle begins!
Toward that end, I looked for more mouse traps while I was out shopping this afternoon. I can't stand those wooden traps with the spring and lever. They just make me nervous to set up. I have two plastic traps that accomplish the same thing without a danger of "catching" my fingers. Of course, I couldn't find any of the plastic traps today, but I bought four glue traps instead. I hope they have improved the glue on those things. When I tried them about five years ago, I ended up with a pile of fur on the trap and a half bald mouse running around the house!
Anyway, I'm going to put one under the hood of the motorhome and a couple in the basement storage compartments tomorrow. I will prevail!
The other challenge for the day was to somehow get more heartguard pills for Emma. She is due to have one on the 17th, and I don't have any left. When I lived in Minnesota and New York, heartguard was only needed six months of the year. Now, I have to have Emma on them all year since I am seldom in an area without mosquitoes. I eventually found the vet where I took Emma when she first came to me (she was dumped on this refuge two years ago). I brought all my vet records along, and after calling the vet in Lago Vista, TX, they allowed me to buy another six month supply to the tune of $44. If I were in the Rio Grande Valley this year, I'd just go down to Mexico and get the same thing for $17, but since I'm not, I paid the price.
The weather continues to be overcast and rainy with increasing winds from the north. There may be some sun by the weekend. I sure hope so.
Thanks for stopping to you later, Judy
Monday, December 14, 2009
A super muggy chore day
About the only interesting thing that happened today was that three coyotes passed right through the RV pads this morning. That sure got Emma's blood pumping. I think almost all of her hairs were standing up straight at attention! ;)
The warmer, wet temperatures have also brought out the mosquitoes full force. I am careful not to be outside at sunset. That's when they just cover the screens trying to get in. They calm down about an hour after the sun sets.
Thanks for stopping to you later, Judy
Sunday, December 13, 2009
The Sunday Blast from the Past
This young buck was a frequent visitor to the campground. The riparian habitat surrounding the campground meant that wildlife was quite abundant there in an otherwise high desert environment.
Thanks for stopping to you later, Judy
Saturday, December 12, 2009
Hunters and cowboys
You know you are in Texas when you see hundreds of cattle being herded down the road. The cowboy is alive and well here. I figure they traveled about eight miles today. How do I know this? the telling evidence left all over the road after their passage. I don't know how they could have anything left in them by the time they made it to their new grazing spot. ;)
I figured Colin got stuck behind the herd as it came down the entrance road and I was correct. There is no way to pass the herd, and it took him over an hour to come the last five miles. In hindsight (pun intended) he wished he had left the check station five minutes earlier.
Thanks for stopping to you later, Judy
Thursday, December 10, 2009
Salinity tests and bird surverys
The first salinity test spot was about 15 miles away and located just before one of the bayous enters the bay. The ranchers, that lease this area for cattle grazing, had installed an electric fence in the last week, so we had to walk through a gate and troop through 100 yards of mud to reach the test site. I had also brought one of my diamond willow walking sticks along, and it sure did help my stability through that quagmire. I learned the ropes of doing the tests. I'll take some pictures and give further explanation next week when I do it on my own.
Because of the wetness in the marsh, there are only two sites that we can get to with the vehicle right now. If it dries out some, I'll have more sites to test.
When the tests were finished, we drove two predetermined routes to do the bird survey. One was around Shoveler Pond, and the other was on a gravel road to the west of the pond. The numbers of birds were not spectacular, but we counted everything we saw. Highlights of the morning were a rail and a merlin. I will certainly use my scope when I do these surveys in the coming weeks. The ducks were just too far away for me to be confident of identification with just my binoculars. I can tell that I'm really going to enjoy these count days. :)
By the time we got back to the rigs, it was 1:00, and my stomach was growling for food. After lunch, I worked a couple of hours on the education programs. That's enough for today. I think I'll watch one of my netflix movies tonight.
Thanks for stopping to you later, Judy
Wednesday, December 9, 2009
A shift in the winds
I worked several hours this morning on getting familiar with all the science requirements for elementary students here in Texas in preparation for developing some education programs. Emma and I also went for a good hike. We headed out to the Skillern Tract on foot down Farm Road 1985. That is more of a challenge than it sounds to be. Truck drivers blast down this road at way over the 60mph limit. They are mainly oil trucks and trucks carrying debris from the hurricane clean up. Emma hates the traffic and goes berserk every time a vehicle passes. Eventually we made it to Skillern and had a nice brisk walk along the refuge road through the moist soil units. Of course, we had the same challenge on our return trip to the rig. :(
After lunch, I headed to the shop to turn in my present vehicle for the one I was supposed to have. It's a drive of about ten miles to get to the shop or visitor's center. After I got the switch accomplished, I decided to take a drive around Shoveler Pond and out to the boat launch. Surprisingly, I was able to see an alligator. Most of them died during the hurricane.
I know this photo is awful, but I wanted to show you what I've decided will be one of my challenges while I'm here. I want to take a good picture of a vermilion flycatcher. This one has been hanging around the visitor's center, so I should get a chance to show you a better picture.
Thanks for stopping to you later, Judy
Tuesday, December 8, 2009
Pack up, move 100', and unpack
It took four burly men over three hours to move that trailer. I'm not sure why it took so long. They did do a cleanup of the inside, but really....three hours? It took me less than an hour to pack up, move, and unpack. Guess you had better call me Wonder Woman! :)
Because of all the rain and cooler temps, (the rain doesn't have a chance to evaporate) the area in front of the paved pad was pretty soft. At one point when I was backing into the site, I wasn't sure I was going to make it. Those rear dual tires began to sink into the mush. Luckily, I was able to get it going after gunning it. Gunning this rig in reverse is not something I like doing, but it worked; I got the rear up onto the cement and it was smooth sailing (literally) after that. I avoided going into the ditch beside the pavement, but there's an awful lot of clay and mud coating all of the tires.
The winds were blowing all day out of the south around 25mph. That brought the temps up into the seventies, and with the near 100% humidity, I was sweating bullets as I got the rig set up once again. Needless to say, with the heavy morning fog and rain, we did not do the bird survey today. It's supposed to be sunny for the next two days, so I'll be out and about looking for my feathered friends.
Thanks for stopping to you later, Judy
Monday, December 7, 2009
Rain, Rain, Go Away...
It turns out that the vehicle that I was assigned was the wrong one. I've kind of enjoyed using it since it was a law enforcement vehicle, and folks tend to slow down and behave on the roads when I drive behind them. :) But it looks like I'll have to trade it in tomorrow for a probably more beat up vehicle. That's OK with me since all kinds of warning lights have been flashing on the dashboard and the speedometer shows that, almost immediately upon moving, I'm traveling at 100 mph! Ha! Anybody that knows me knows that 100 mph is way faster than I'd ever drive.
After doing my laundry this morning in the community building, I headed for the refuge office in Anahuac to pick up my mail and two Netflix DVDs. While I was there, I met with Stephanie and she loaded me up with plenty of educational program info for me to work on. I'll be able to work on developing the programs from home. I can certainly live with that! Sure beats sitting in a stuffy office some where.
If the rain lets up tomorrow morning, I'll accompany Colin on his salinity rounds to learn the ropes. I picked out a pair of hip boots this morning, so I'm prepared for sloshing around in the marsh. He'll be leaving next week, and I'll take over that chore. We'll also do the bird survey routes so I can learn the locations. That's about it for today...
Thanks for stopping to you later, Judy
Sunday, December 6, 2009
The Sunday Blast from the Past
