I guess my trip to Chicago wore me out as I slept in until 7:00 this morning. That doesn't happen very often. One of the first things I noticed when I returned yesterday, was that the bird feeder I had put up before I left was almost empty. That kind of surprised me since this is a new RV site and it usually takes about a week for birds to find a new feeder where one hasn't been before. Today there were many avian visitors: Carolina chickadees, Mexican tufted titmice, chipping sparrows, vesper sparrows, and cardinals.
This has been a La Nina winter for Texas in the weather department, so every few days a storm system moves through. It rained all day today, but temps around 50 were greatly appreciated by me compared to the cold temps in Indiana and Illinois.
Around 9:30, I headed down to the office to let Rob Iski, the volunteer coordinator, know that I would be ready to work tomorrow. I also picked up my mail and a Netflix movie that had arrived before I drove to Lago Vista to pick up Emma (aka: wild child) from her stay at the kennel. She was as exuberant as ever, and was sporting a pretty pink and blue bow on her collar from her time with the groomer yesterday. I think she was happy to be home too, and immediately sniffed out the new spongy toy that I had purchased for her. We had a good romp inside, because of the weather, before she curled up on the dashboard for a nap. I guess she was as tired as I from the last week.
Later in the afternoon, Maryanne, one of the other volunteers, stopped by to let me know that we would be having a potluck up at the Flying X this Sunday during the Super Bowl game. I volunteered with Joe and Caroline the last two years at Laguna Atascosa NWR, and knew that Joe made a mean Lasagna. I had told the other volunteers here about it, and Joe told Maryanne that he would make it for the potluck. Mmmm...I'm looking forward to that!
Last November, while I was at the Low-Hi Ranch in Deming, NM, I posted this picture of a cross-stitch that I saw hanging in the laundry room. I really liked it and wished I had something like that to hang in my rig. Around 3:30 this afternoon, Peggy and Paul, who drove me to the airport and picked me up, drove up to my rig, and Peggy hopped out to give me something.

She reads my blog, and thought that picture would be an interesting project. From that picture, she designed and made this quilted wall hanging. She put her own twist on the original, and I have to say that I like this version even better. I was overwhelmed when she presented it to me! I love the design. It didn't take me long to hang this beautiful work of art on my wall! I will have to ask her if the bottom represents the Texas Hill Country or maybe the Blue Ridge Mountains, or maybe the mountains of Vermont, her home. Did you notice that nest of the bluebirds (of happiness) on the tree limb? I will treasure this gift forever. I have placed it on the wall of my living area slide-out so I can see it every time I sit on the couch. I can't imagine how many hours went into crafting this. Thank you so much, Peggy. Wow!!!
You meet and get to know such wonderful people in this full-timing life style. I am soooo lucky!
Thanks for stopping by....talk to you later, Judy
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