Most of today was spent preparing for and traveling to Midway Airport in Chicago, flying to Austin, TX, and getting back to the rig at Balcones Canyonlands NWR. My thanks once again to Paul and Peggy, fellow volunteers, for picking me up at the airport in Austin. I, thankfully, took them to lunch at the True Grit Bar and Grill on our way home. The food was good, but I would have liked smaller portions.
There has been a cold and wet spell here at the refuge while I've been gone. I had pulled in the slides, shut off the water, and lowered the thermostat to 40* before I left, so it was a bit chilly as I opened the rig this afternoon. The first order of business was to set the temp at 69*, turn on the water,and open the slides. I think unpacking after a trip is a pain in the neck, but I made myself do that straight away and then gave the rig a good vacuuming.
It sure feels good to be home. I pulled a muscle in my back up in Chicago, and it has been really painful. I'm hoping that being back in my own bed will help that situation. I'm sure the pain was exacerbated by the stress involved in the reason for this journey.
Tomorrow I'll be picking Emma up, and things will return to normal. I tried contacting Robyn this afternoon via Skype, but couldn't get through. It's foggy and overcast, so I'm hoping I'll have better luck when the weather improves.
That's about it for today. I'll spend what's left of the evening checking out everything that was recorded on the DVR while I was gone. Then I'll crash for the's been a long week.
Thanks for stopping to you later, Judy
From Threes to Twos.
2 hours ago
Welcome home, Judy. Glad you made it back safe and sound, if not a little road-weary (or is that air-weary?). Deanna