Mel and Maryanne, fellow volunteers here at Balcones, will packing up their rig this weekend and heading out on Monday morning. They have been volunteering here since November, and have put in many hours of service. Today, several of the staff and all other volunteers took them out for lunch to say thanks. They will be returning here next winter. They have decided to return to their house in Minnesota. I guess that's the reason I don't think they are totally crazy. Why would anyone want to go to Minnesota at this time of the year? I sure wouldn't. Brrrrr! As a fulltime RVer, I won't be going near Minnesota until May.
I left a message earlier in the week at a state wildlife area in Oregon. I have applied to volunteer there this coming summer, but so far they haven't called back. I guess I'll have to try again next week.
This morning I drove up to the Flying X, and five of us loaded up the van with all the education stuff we brought up there for the training yesterday. Now it's back down at headquarters for a week and a half before we load it up again for our first school program of the year.
It was supposed to be pleasant outside today, but it wasn't. The temps stayed in the forties and the winds were really strong. Even the Texans are getting tired of this winter. ;)
I have the weekend off, but I'll be fixing something to take to the potluck we're having tomorrow for Mel and Maryanne. Lots of good food is on the horizon!
Thanks for stopping to you later, Judy
From Threes to Twos.
2 hours ago
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