That's right, it was 10* when I landed at Midway Airport in Chicago this evening! It's cold enough to make your nostril hairs freeze! When I lived in Minnesota, this was a common experience in the winter, but I really didn't want to ever deal with these kind of temperatures again.
The flight from Austin, TX, late this afternoon, was uneventful, and quicker than anticipated because of a strong tail wind. Even though the flight started 15 minutes late, we arrived in Chicago ahead of schedule. My winter coat was packed in the suitcase, but I did wear a sweatshirt and wind breaker on the flight. Thank goodness, Dennis had the heater roaring in the car when he picked me up.
It was a long travel day since I arrived at the airport way ahead of my departure time, but I am thankful that Peggy and Paul drove me in. I spent several hours playing spider solitaire on my laptop while I waited for my flight. It's a lot different these days at the airport. Everyone seems to be "connected" to some kind of electronic device. It does make the waiting time go faster. There was one slip up by me at the security check-in though. I had my laptop in a backpack and didn't know that you have to take it out and send it through the scanner separately. The inspector got a little bent about that. I apologized and said I didn't know I had to take the laptop out of the bag. There was no signage telling me to do so. I calmly waited while everything was sent through again, and busied myself with putting my shoes on and tying them up. Sorry about that. :(
The grand daughters were already in bed by the time we made it to the house, so I'll have to wait until morning to see them. I could use a heat wave about now......
Thanks for stopping to you later, Judy
Is This A Felony? And The Center of the World
3 hours ago
Anyone who takes a flight these days is much braver than I am. If all the inspectors were consistent it would be one thing, but they're not and they amuse themselves by making it difficult for travelers. I hope your trip back goes as well though.