Tuesday, June 30, 2009
I'm back in Minnesota, don't cha know,,,
A couple of interesting things happened along the way. I've never hit anything with the RV, but Monday was a first. A blackbird flew up from the median and smacked directly into my windshield. I'm afraid it was fatal for him and made me literally jump in my seat! Also, when I decided to bypass the campground in Des Moines, it kind of challenged my plans to arrive at Rice Lake with empty tanks. I had dumped the tanks on Saturday with the intention of dumping them again along the way to Rice Lake. You see Rice Lake doesn't have a dump station and I would be there for at least a week. Luckily, one of the rest areas that I pulled into in Iowa also had a trailer dump station, so I solved that problem...but not without a little bump. As I pulled the lever for the black tank, the connection at the receiving end separated and the contents started going outward rather than downward. It was a good thing that this particular dump station was set up to handle these kind of mishaps and things turned out better than I could have suspected. :)
I haven't been to Rice Lake in two years, and it was very apparent, as I filled the fresh water tank, that if anything, the mosquito population has increased! I got about six bites just filling the tank.
I decided not to take the satellite DISH with me on this trip, so , as I set up, I put up the antennae and turned on the TV to see what stations I could get. It was a shock to me to find I really couldn't receive any stations. The last time I used the aerial was before the official switch the digital TV. Luckily, the only station that sort of came in was a station explaining how to get some reception. Little did I know that I had to rescan for stations because stations now have different numbers. I did as suggested and was able to get quite a few stations, just not NBC, which is the station I like to watch in the morning. Any way, I'm settled in for a week.
Today, the first thing on the agenda was to find a vet for Emma. I called the vet I used when I lived in Kasson, MN, and was able to take her in for a 9:45 appointment. She is now on antibiotics and hopefully that and a dose of cranberry juice everyday will return her to normal.
Daniel, Crystal, Robyn, Avery, and I went out for lunch in Kasson, and then Robyn, Avery, and I headed for Rochester to find something for me to wear to the wedding and to run some errands for Robyn. We were successful all around, and got back to Robyn's dad's house around five. Emma spent the day playing with Dan's dog, Buddy, but was happy to hop into the car and return to the RV.
It has been a busy two days, and I'm pooped tonight. I hope I can sleep in a little tomorrow morning. I do need to get to the park office and register and pay for my site. It's a good thing they know me.... :)
Thanks for stopping by....talk to you later, Judy
Sunday, June 28, 2009
Sunday's Blast from the Past...
Of course that meant no hookups, but it was a beautiful spot and someone had left a great pile of firewood, so I had a nice campfire that night.
There were many sandstone outcroppings that stood quite high and all were shaped by the wind. Stretching to the west of these mounds were the great plains. The Native Americans considered this a place of great medicine. It turned out that I was the only one to camp there that evening.
Thanks for stopping by....talk to you later, Judy
Saturday, June 27, 2009
A break in the weather?
After I closed up, Emma and I sat outside the rig and at least a breeze began to help mediate the oppresive heat. I refilled the bird feeders, and went about a few preparations for my departure on Monday. I dumped the tanks and cleaned and stored the dump hose, which resulted in numerous mosquitoe bites. The spot where I cleaned it was close to the woods and it was near sunset, so I was fresh meat for those little buggers.
After that, I tried my outside CD player once more and was shocked when it worked! I tried it about two weeks ago and couldn't get it to play a CD. That lifted my spirits and I listened to some Peter, Paul, and Mary while I did a few more mud wasp checks. Those wasps are still going into the refrigerator vent, but I can't find any mud tubes. I did find some tubes in the outside area where the dump outlets are, and scraped those off. I also checked another storage area and found some evidence of a rodent chewing on things. I'm hoping my moving to Minnesota for a week will eliminate some of these little challenges. :)
I'm planning on doing laundry and taking down the front sun shades in the morning before going to work. I called Rice Lake State Park today and talked to Joel, the park manager about the possibility of a site being available next week and over the holiday weekend. (I hosted there for seven summers before I retired) and he told me it shouldn't be a problem. I knew all their reservable sites were taken for the 4th weekend. That was a relief to find out. I probably won't post for a few days unless something really unusual happens...........
Thanks for stopping by....talk to you later, Judy
Friday, June 26, 2009
Early morning visitors and more geese arrive
And it wasn't long before their brothers and sisters followed suit....
Soon, the first batch was heading for Silver Lake....
"Time to get out of here!!!"
In no time at all, they paddled and flapped their way to a more secluded cove on the lake. None of these geese can fly yet, but it won't be long. Once they learn to fly, chances are good that they will return here to the refuge after migration and hopefully nest here next spring.
Thursday, June 25, 2009
And the heat goes on....
Today, just before seven in the morning, the electric went out. I checked to be sure it wasn't just me. Turns out the whole refuge was effected. So, after about two hours, I turned on the generator as the temps were rising again. I needed to run it today anyway, so I did for about two hours. By that time, the electricity source was back on, and I switched over again.
In the afternoon, I went to Chilcothe for some groceries. Daniel called later in the day, and he is on his way to visit for a day. He should arrive about the time I get up in the morning (6 a.m.). I also noticed, this afternoon, that Emma is having issues with urination. After e-mailing a friend that is a vet, she suggested that maybe it is a urinary infection. I guess I'll have to try to find a vet locally tomorrow if her distress continues. It seems there is always a challenge to deal with.
Thanks for stopping by....talk to you later, Judy
Tuesday, June 23, 2009
Some days are diamonds, others are stone...#2
After that little episode, I went outside to sit with Emma in the steamy 90* heat so she could get some outside time. We had pretty much been inside all day and we both had a little cabin fever. I dug out a small fan from storage and turned it on to provide a tiny bit of relief. As I was sitting there, I noticed a spot on my finger that didn't rub off. I went inside to get my glasses, and this is what I discovered:
Yuck!! A tick was determined to attach itself to my finger. I got that bugger off and went back outside.
As I got comfortable in my rocker, the wind (which had been nonexistent) very suddenly really picked up. I literally jumped out of my chair and began to take the awning down. It was a real struggle, and before I could get it folded up, a four foot section ripped away from the front. I got it up the best I could, grabbed Emma, and headed inside. The weather radio said there was a strong fifty mph wind gust moving through...don't I know it! I pulled in the slides before damage was done to my slide covers, and Emma and I sat out the winds and ensuing lightning, thunder, and downpour inside. I can tell you I was shaking like a leaf while bringing in the awning! I'm glad it didn't totally rip off! I've never been in a situation like that where the skies were sunny with no wind and then suddenly whipped up so strongly.
That severe weather cell has passed through and I have now put my slides back out. There are still a few showers, but I think I'll be okay for the rest of the night. What a day...........
Thanks for stopping by....talk to you later, Judy
Monday, June 22, 2009
A little excitement out in the boonies
Apparently, a local teen driver had rolled his father's pick-up off of one of the roads. There were two young people in the truck, and, luckily, no one was hurt. The gas was just pouring out of the back of the truck when we arrived.
There was a ton of smoke coming out from underneath the truck as it was backed up to a point where it could be pulled out. The firemen had fire extinguishers at the ready, but didn't need to use them. They eventually towed the truck off the refuge. I hope that fellow has learned a lesson, and will keep his speed down and pay attention to road conditions.
Sunday, June 21, 2009
Scenic Sunday or the Past Revisited
There were only about 24 sites to take care of at this place that fell under the South Dakota State Park system. I remember having a nest of Cooper's Hawks nearby, many pheasants around the area, and heat in the 110* range. I enjoyed my time there and the beautiful sunsets.
So, that's my first installment of "The Past Revisited."
Saturday, June 20, 2009
A way to help the boredom
Last week, my son, Daniel, signed me up for Net Flix and that may be a real God send. I got my first two movies in the mail earlier this week and saved one of them for today. There is a pull down screen in the visitor's center and a projector and surround sound for the Sunday movies. This afternoon, I popped in "Chariots of Fire" and watched the whole two hour movie without anyone coming in. It's kind of like going to the movie theater, only I, thankfully, have control over the volume. ;) I did put it on pause at one point so I could run outside and take down the flag before the ever-recurring thunderstorms began.
So I'm planning to make good use of those Net Flix movies for the next couple of months! I hope there will be a good crowd for the movie tomorrow and that the weather is conducive to bringing out visitors.
Thanks for stopping by....talk to you later, Judy
Friday, June 19, 2009
Walt Disney Hometown Museum
Thursday, June 18, 2009
A couple of days ago, I sent an email to a few people. I got a reply from my friend Susan in Minnesota, and she inquired if I realized that I had used the term "you all" in the email. Her comment was, perhaps I had spent too much time in the south and needed to get back up north. Well, Susan, I have spent much of the last two years in the south, but if I were really a southerner, I would have said y'all. ;)
Emma and I went on a slightly shortened daily hike this morning because it was already 85* by 9:00. Afterwards, I hopped in the car to do a little sightseeing. I drove to John Pershing State Park, but didn't do any of the hikes because of the heat. I'll save those for a slightly cooler day. I then went back to revisit the John Pershing Historic Home and visitor's center. I watched the movie that I had missed last week and found his life very interesting. Since the visitor's center is also a state welcome center, I was able to pick up quite a bit of information on what to see in the state.
I also asked the attendant if he knew where I could get some seasoned firewood. While I was viewing the movie, he checked with the maintenance person and came back with the name and number of a person that would deliver a load of wood right to my site. I may give him a call tomorrow.
Yesterday evening, I glanced out the table window and saw five Canada geese parade through my site. It turns out that about two hundred geese will be arriving at the refuge this week. We really don't have any resident geese here. The hundreds of thousands that use the refuge in the winter all migrate here from the north and leave to return north in early spring. So where are the 200 coming from? They are being transported here from Kansas City and from Six Flags in St. Louis. It seems they have resident flocks that are becoming real pests there. So, instead of just killing them all, they are rounding them up and shipping them here. I'm not sure that's such a good management technique, but then I'm not making those decisions. :) It does seem to me that eventually there could be a huge resident flock here and then how will the habitat also support all the migrant flocks that arrive each fall? Hmmm... So now, besides the raccoon, numerous rabbits, squirrels, and the deer, Emma will have two hundred geese to raise her blood pressure. The geese range in age from fluffly young to adults.
Well, if it cools down a little this evening perhaps we'll take a walk and see if we can find the new arrivals. I'm not sure what I'll do tomorrow.
Thanks for stopping by....talk to you later, Judy
Tuesday, June 16, 2009
The challenge for the day
As I was relaxing in my rocker, I noticed some wasps hovering around the side vent for the refrigerator.
Notice that insect in the bottom left hand area.
I guess they're mud wasps. The tubes they build are really quite fascinating, however, I really don't want them building them in my motorhome!
So, I propped a cup underneath the nest (?) and chipped away at it with a screwdriver. Most of the mud fell into the cup, so I've thwarted them for the time being. I had found another mud tube yesterday in between two of the outside storage doors, and scraped that one off also. I guess I'll have to check every nook and cranny around the rig.
There's always something to take care of.
Thanks for stopping by....talk to you later, Judy
Sunday, June 14, 2009
A peak on the wild side
Mother white tailed deer was telling her offspring to wake up!
"Okay, Mom, I'll get up."
Time to run and play....
"I need a snack."
Okay, time to move on..........
Friday, June 12, 2009
A calm day
Thursday, June 11, 2009
Random thoughts on random topics
But, alas, there is a problem at the top of the stick.
Not the greatest pictures, but Emma was moving too fast for the camera to keep up!
p.s. Thanks Myrddin for the hint about the paragraphs!
Wednesday, June 10, 2009
Some sight seeing in between deluges
The school now houses a museum through the right door and bathrooms through the left. The museum is self-guided and is solely about Pershing's life. He was a great military man. I can't imagine teaching 45 students aged 6-21 in this small schoolhouse.
I think I'll return to this site again while I'm here because I forgot to watch the 40 minute movie on his life. I'd also like to get some better pictures when it's not overcast. I guess you can figure out that the predicted sunny skies only lasted about ten minutes. :(
As it turns out, Locust Creek was diverted quite a few years ago so the bridge now spans dry land. It is the longest of the four remaining bridges and measures 151 feet. I'll also probably return to this site since my pictures of the side of the bridge didn't turn out.
Monday, June 8, 2009
The rest of the day was spent catching up on chores like laundry and cleaning the inside of the rig. Being the only volunteer here gives me plenty of time for thinking about where I'll go when I leave here and what to do next summer. I've kind of decided to not plan to volunteer this coming winter until February. I haven't done that before, so it is a new experience. Possibilities are flying around in my head...maybe I'll spend a month in New Mexico. I could do state parks or stay at an Escapee park. Then maybe I'll go to Arizona for a month and visit some friends. I just don't know yet. Being a planful person, it isn't easy for me to not know what lies ahead this fall and winter. I'm trying to be relaxed about this, but it isn't easy for me. :0
Thanks for stopping by....talk to you later, Judy
Sunday, June 7, 2009
Two long days at work
On a brighter note, the weather has been interesting. Billowing winds all day with rain in the mornings and hot temps in the afternoon. I didn't get to spend much time outside this evening as another rain front came through just as I was closing things up.
I had a comment about the catfish I found nailed to the telephone pole the other day. Yes, I know this is an accepted method for skinning catfish, but it wasn't near anyplace you would expect someone to be skinning a fish. When I mentioned seeing this fish to the Friends ladies on Friday night, they knew more about it. So, here is the rest of the story....It seems a couple of teenage boys found this huge dead catfish and put it in the back of their pick-up. Then they proceeded to drive around town trying to tell the old timers about their great catch. One look by these seasoned anglers and they declared that it had been dead for some time! They also admonished the boys not to try to fillet this fish, as they had planned, as the meat would surely be rotten. So, I guess the boys just displayed their found trophy on a local pole. Their ruse was up!
That's what I like about small towns...everyone knows about everything that goes on. :) I'll check the sign again, but I think the population of Sumner, MO, is under 200.
My three days of work are done for this week, so now I'll have some time off. I'm planning to visit Pershing State Park this coming week after spending tomorrow doing laundry and attending a welcoming breakfast for the Youth Conservation Corps teens that will be working here for the next eight weeks.
A sidebar to this is that every Monday after First Friday on the refuge, a staff breakfast takes place. The refuge manager, Steve, raises chickens, so I'm told, and supplies all the eggs. I can understand why he has chickens after finding out and meeting, on Friday, his eight kids. I wonder if they also have their own cow???
Thanks for stopping by....talk to you later, Judy
Friday, June 5, 2009
First Friday on the refuge
The local Ducks Unlimited Chapter also set up a tent and gave out prizes.
or go on a horse drawn hayride...
There were live specimens and folks got to touch or not touch some local snakes.