
Borrego Springs, CA

Sunday, February 20, 2011

Error 403, HL Syndrome, and Oh No!

Last night, as I tried to publish my post, I got an Error 403 notification.  I didn’t know what that meant, so I tried two more times to publish.  As I was waiting to see what would happen, my mind was whirling, and I seemed to remember something from a previous post by RICK.  I went to his blog and searched on error 403, and sure enough, it took me to a post by him from back in August, 2010.  Turns out I needed to purchase more space for my pictures on Picasa Web Albums.  For $5.00 I did that and was able to publish my post within minutes.  I thank RICK for publishing that post, and I’m also shocked that I remembered it!  Smile


When I got on the computer tonight, I had several notifications of updates available that I could download.  One of them happened to involve Live Writer.  That’s what I use to compose my posts, so I clicked OK.  OMG!  When I signed on to compose tonight’s post, everything had changed!  I guess I can’t go back to the way things were, so I’ll just work on figuring out how to use what is different.  So far, I’ve noticed that there are emoticons that were not available before.  I’ll have to see how posting a couple of pictures goes in the next few paragraphs.  Seems I no longer have an automatic save or word count…Grrr!  The spelling feature seems to be working, though.  What a pain to be forced into new things when I was so comfortable before.


When I  arrived back at the rig after the parade yesterday, I decided to change into shorts for the first time since last October.  That’s when I noticed I had Hairy Leg Syndrome (HL Syndrome).  Egad!  I guess I hadn’t shaved my legs since last fall.  Didn’t seem to be any reason to do it, so I didn’t.  Any extra insulation is needed when it’s cold outside.  Smile  I put my battery run shaver into overdrive last night, and now have shimmering smooth white clammy looking legs hanging out from my shorts.  Sorry if this is TMI for some of you, but that’s life on the road!

_MG_9154As I looked out my window this morning, a tufted titmouse saw me and hesitated in his flight down to the Hard Rock Bird Café.


It was only a brief hesitation for him before he stopped by for an early morning tidbit.  (OK, Rick, can you tell me how to find the table option for pictures on this new version?)


Oh No!!  As I scanned down from the feeders, I noticed two grey squirrels dining on the seeds that the chickadees had kicked out of the feeders onto the ground.  If they stay on the ground it won’t be a problem, but squirrels can be tricky individuals to deal with where feeders are concerned.  Ugh!  Sad smile


Later today, I went on a 7 hour drive with Fonda and Denny.  They offered to show me some places over in Alabama that they were familiar with.  That trip got me to thinking.  I think I’ll save those thoughts and revelations for a later post.


I did want to let folks know that I was able to count the participation in yesterday’s Mardi Gras parade as part of my 32 hours/week commitment at the refuge.  While it was fairly exhausting work, it was also fairly enjoyable as well!


Thanks for stopping by…. talk to you later,  Judy


  1. I haven't experienced the dreaded error 403 yet, but I'm sure my time is coming. Likewise, I haven't downloaded the new Live Writer. Your pictures look fabulous, so you're doing something right!

  2. I haven't gotten a notice to update Live Writer. Or I got it and just ignored it which I'm prone to doing.

    Your little titmouse is so cute.

  3. I haven't gotten a notice to update Live Writer yet either. Your pics of the birds are great and I know the squirrels can be a pest on the feeders. By the way, I haven't told you yet, but I really like your header pic.

  4. Nice job on catching that 403 error and figuring it out. Now that you have 20GB's on Picasa, you won't have to worry about that for quite a few years.

    In the new LW, you can turn on the Word Count feature in the Options panel. To do this, click on the down arrow beside the first icon in the top toolbar - just to the left of Home.

    Then, click on Options > Preferences and check the box called 'Show real time word count in status bar'. It's right at the bottom.

    That should do it!

  5. I have had problems with most blogs lately, not being able to see all the pictures. I know they are intended to be there but I've decided it must be something with LiveWriter and the Mac. With your new version I didn't read anything or see blanks where pictures should have been, so maybe that was it.

    I took no chances and shaved my legs before surgery last week, just in case I had to be rushed to the hospital!

  6. Ha, Ha, you are so funny! White clammy legs indeed :) Love the bird pictures once again!! I think there is some skill involved there and not just luck & patience!!

  7. in the winter..I shave when my pant legs get too tight!..just kidding!..good job on figuring out your 403 error..I had the issue in August when we were in Whistler!..
    have good one!!

  8. What's the world of blogging coming to! Hairy leg syndrome indeed!

    Made me laugh.

    I rarely wear shorts. Hate how pale and fat my legs are. Also have a few veins that aren't very attractive.

  9. I would imagine I will be getting that 403 error code in the near future. Thanks for the reminder about Rick's post, I read it but had forgotten.

    Your HL Syndrome story made me laugh, I think we may all be in the same boat at times.

  10. Glad to see you remembered Rick's article, I wish I could do that I have to check each day to see if I remembered undershorts. Be safe out there. Sam & Donna...

  11. At risk of upsetting the applecart again I will say that I have been using the new Live Writer version exclusively since we began our trip back in November & that I still believe the older version is far more user friendly than the new version. I base that opinion on simple common sense & not on techie savvy.......

  12. Although I am usually fond of change. bu updating computer programs sends me over the edge and doesn't usually turn out well. And you're telling me I have to shell out cash for the next one!?!

    As always, you pictures are great!

  13. I'm not one who likes change either. I use LW too, and had trouble adjusting to the new version...Yesterday Den and I moved info from an old computer we had on a program called Family Tree Maker..We had to actually type the info into our new program,My Heritage Family Tree, on our newer computer..took us about 2 hours...Sheesh!! Progress...sometimes I'm not onboard with it..

  14. I had the same syndrome this weekend. I spent several days at Choke Canyon State Park where the temps were in the high 70's to low 80's. I had to take off half my pants and then WOW! Hair an inch long.

    I'll have to wait to get new Nair. Can't find my hairs when I shave and then can see them just fine in the sun.

  15. We too had that dreaded 403 error but as you did, bought more space and the error disappeard.

    Your photos are spectacular!

    Now I don't usually agree on those newfounded diseases they come up with but I have to admit, I too sometimes get that dreaded HL disease. And, we all know that it doesn't take a pill to fix it, only a sharp razor, some good eyesight, and loads of patience...well, 2 out of 3 ain't bad.

  16. I'm one who doesn't adjust very well to computer programming changes -- even if it does help keep the brain active...LOL. I've also suffered from time-to-time with HLS -- esp during the winter months. As usual, great pics. I would point out that one CG we were at had so many squirrels -- they chewed holes in our water hose:( Have a great day.

  17. I've downloaded the new LW, but haven't used it. I'm comfortable with Blogger, and no one has complained -- yet. Since I don't publish often these days, I'm not about to jump into a new learning curve that will last forever, or at least until the next version comes out and changes everything agon!

  18. HL Syndrome! OMG! It is that time of year again!

    Travel Safe
    Dawn and Denise

  19. Solution to the "white" legs of winter..Jergens tinted lotion! It won't turn your skin orange and it moisterizes too! People will ask you where you got that beautiful golden tan!
    As for the HLS...it reminds me of a rap song..."Can't Touch This!"

  20. Enjoying the smile that your post and all the others have brought to me this gloomy morning here in Gettysburg! I use LiveWriter but have not noticed an update lately. Perhaps I updated it months ago? Dunno. Sure beats the heck out of Blogger and I can compose and post to all my blogs from LW. Love it. Have a groovy day!

  21. The HLS made me laugh, what us women have to go thru to look "purty" and not offend anyone. Using a MAC i don't have to use Livewriter or Picasa so I guess I don't have to worry about the Error message. I could use Picasa but I found it to be more cumbersome than iPhoto on the MAC and it would mean learning to everything differently again and like you said that is just frustrating. Looks like you got it posted so thanks again for all the great photos and a hearty laugh.

  22. Live Writer often shows me a message to update to the new version. I just keep on clicking the "Ask Me Later" button, as I heard that it wasn't as user friendy as the old version.
    New things get me discombooberated anyway.
    Why fix what ain't broke!

    Lovely pictures, as usual, love your blog and sense of humour.
    Misty says 'woof' to Emma.
    Happy Trails, Penny, TX
