With no clouds in the sky, the radiational cooling did it's thing last night. It was a chilly 35* when I took Emma for her first outs this morning. I really get a chuckle how she greets the day. After allowing me down the steps first, she bounds out of the RV with nose in the air sniffing for all those wonderful scents of passers in the night. She looks like she's on a pogo stick as we make our way down the road to her favorite dumping grounds. :) I swear she has springs on the bottom of her feet! Maybe she's part kangaroo??
Once the sun rose above the hills, temperatures quickly rose. I wore shorts today and enjoyed the sunny mid seventy temps. This is the Texas I remember.
After laundering the sheets and towels, Emma and I went on a hike through the hills. She, of course, covered ten times the territory that I did. As we neared home, she just plopped down in the middle of the trail. It isn't often that I almost wear her out, but today it happened. Must have been the warmer temps.
As we both relaxed outside this afternoon, I began reading the latest issue of the Escapees magazine. I really enjoy this magazine, and it got me to dreaming. For the last several issues, a certain description of a Head Out Program (HOP) has caught my interest. It's the Transatlantic Repositioning Cruise HOP that is happening next November. I have never been on a cruise, and thought I might enjoy one traveling with other Escapees. It's a two week cruise starting in Barcelona, Spain, and ending in Galveston, TX. There are ports of call in Spain, Portugal, the Canary Islands, and the Bahamas before docking in Galveston. I know where I could store my rig (Anahuac NWR) while I'm gone, but I'm not sure what I'd do with Emma. I could work that out. Now, if I could just persuade someone to go on this adventure with me, I just might do it. I just might do it anyway! Anyone up for an exciting cruise? Maybe my sister, Pam, now that she is retired. Ah, yes, it's fun to dream....
Thanks for stopping by....talk to you later, Judy
5 hours ago
AH Yes.. the wonderful feeling of wearing out the dog buddy. YOU WIN!! for today