Today was Greenwing Day at the refuge. This was a five hour program for families with youngsters 0-17. The local Ducks Unlimited Chapter ran this show along with the refuge. There was another retrieving demonstration with four talented Labrador Retrievers, skeet shooting, duck identification, and a wetland station along with a duck calling competition and several other activities. Over two hundred people took part and enjoyed all the activities and a free lunch. It's great to see so many families enjoying the refuge.
Pam and Kirk, the other volunteer couple, had suggested to me yesterday that they could handle the visitor's center on Sunday if I wanted to leave a day earlier. At first I turned them down, but the more I thought about it, I decided it was a good idea. I only work a few hours on Sundays, since they came, and it would mean I could take two days to drive the 400 miles to Rice Lake State Park in Minnesota instead of trying to do it all in one day. So, late this afternoon, I put my pack up routine into high gear. I emptied and packed the three bird feeders I had out. The birds were a little confused, but they'll find feeders in the same places in the next few days as Pam and Kirk put their feeders out. I also got all the outside work done other than dumping and stowing the hookup cords. I can take my time tomorrow doing those final chores as I'll only have about 200 miles to travel. I think I'll even sleep well tonight. ;) That's not always the case when I'm preparing to leave a place I've been at for a couple of months.
I'll be stopping for tomorrow night near Ames, Iowa, and will do laundry at a private campground I have picked out. There are no laundry facilities at Rice Lake, so I want to arrive with an empty laundry bag. Leaving tomorrow will make for a much more relaxed move up north.
Thanks for stopping to you later, Judy
So much to see in Mexico City
5 hours ago
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