I put on my dancing shoes this morning and headed out early to drive to the Cormorant Lake Community Center to put on a bird power point program for about twenty some senior citizens. Earlier in the week, I had looked over the power point program I had been given, and decided that about half of it was too dull for this audience, and eliminated those parts. I changed it up, and added some of my bird photos from the refuge, and it seemed to work.
I wish I could have included this photo of a yellow-bellied sapsucker, but I found this beauty this morning as I dropped off my Netflix disc in the refuge mail box on the way there. I also noticed that I guess I had missed painting this post last summer.
Anyway, I had a lot of audience participation in this presentation, and only one man briefly nodded off. A great improvement from my bus tour at Anahuac. There was a big pot of coffee flowing with some delicious cookies as well, so that surely helped. One woman even said that Detroit Lakes should hire me to give a presentation at next year’s birding festival, as this one was so much better than some of the speakers they had two weeks ago. I highly doubt that, but it was nice to hear she enjoyed herself.
Afterwards, I was given an envelope with this check inside. I, of course, declined any remuneration. The person in charge insisted I take it and do with it whatever I wanted. I’ve decided to cash it and add the monies to my ‘tip’ pouch. I’ve given quite a few talks, and many tours over the last eight years, and occasionally people have insisted on giving a tip. Many times, I just put those monies in the donation box of whatever refuge I’m volunteering at, but sometimes I’ve just added it to this pouch. This check would almost double the amount I’ve hidden away. I’m saving this money for something special that can be contributed to some National Wildlife Refuge. Early on, my friend Diana also put her tips into this pouch from tours we gave together. I bet she thought I had already spent it. Not so. I make this public so that my daughter will know my intentions for this little nest egg, in case I should ‘kick the bucket’ before I find that special need.
Of course, I’m not the only RV person volunteering at Tamarac this year, and some of you may know my partners in crime.
John and Bridget Hatch, arrived a week ago and last night we had a little tournament. I can’t remember the name of this game (I think it’s golf something), but I’ve only played it once before. They’re pretty good at it, and I got royally beaten. I had a lot of fun.
And I’d be remiss if I didn’t include a picture of their pooch, Fred. Doesn’t he just look disgusted with me trying to get his better side? I like Fred. He’s not the wild maniac that Emma is. Oh for a calm and sedate dog…
Thanks for stopping by… talk to you later, Judy