As has been my custom for the last five years or so, I like to spend New Year’s Eve reminiscing about the year that is about to come to a close. Before I do that tonight, however, I just have to share two things that happened today. It has been cold and windy for Arizona today, so I only left the rig once to run up to the VC to take care of some business. As I was coming back a car pulled into the parking lot, and a woman asked if I was Judy. I said yes, and it turned out to be Bob and Sue. Some of you may remember the blog that Sue used to write called Just BS (or something like that). It’s been a very long time since she posted, and I often wondered what happened to her and Bob. As I remember, Bob had some health problems and most of the work of RVing fell on Sue’s shoulders. I can report that they are doing well, although Sue is still the woman in charge. What a surprise to meet them in Arizona.
Then, shortly before five this afternoon, Emma began giving me the stink eye in the rig. (Her internal clock was telling her it was just about dinner time) She was trying to annoy me anyway she could so I would feed her early. I finally just grumped, “ Get off my back, and go look out the window or something!” You know what? She did just that. She jumped on the couch to look out the window and started barking! Then she ran to the front window and did the same thing. More surround sound barking thanks to my hanging thunder gourd. Emma is normally not much of a barker. I was astounded and laughing out loud. Do you really think they know what we’re saying??
Anyway, back to the first reason for this post… my travels and adventures with Emma in 2014.
The beginning of the year found us back at Anahuac NWR. I got to help with some duck banding using rocket nets this year. Since Anahuac is close to I-10, there were also nice visits with other blogger friends who stopped in for a tour, and I made a February flying trip to Dyer, IN, for my grandgirl Avery’s birthday. Chicago area in February with temps reaching –14*. What was I thinking??
By the middle of April, we were back on the road. First stop was at Scott, LA, to have a new satellite DISH installed on top of the rig. Sure wish I hadn’t waited eight years to have this improvement. Of course I had to stop at Sueur's while there for a shrimp po-boy. We took our time driving through Louisiana, but eventually put the pedal to the metal to get to Tamarac NWR in Minnesota by the middle of May.
We were there for the second time, and spent an enjoyable four months. Finally found and ate my first morel mushrooms! It was a grand time working with John and Bridget all summer, and all three of my kids and four of my grandkids made it up there for visits.
Now Tamarac is somewhat off of the beaten track for travelers, so it was a real thrill to have three different blogging RV couples join us for fun times. And of course I renewed my friendship with the unforgettable Mr. Smith who grows the tastiest vegetables in northern Minnesota! Some day I’d like to see him wearing a shirt and clean pants. I also entered my first ever photo contest, and didn’t do too shabby on that account either.
Just before I left Tamarac, my brother Kurt flew up from Casa Grande, AZ, to be my traveling companion on the drive south. What a good time we had visiting Theodore Roosevelt Nat’l Park, Yellowstone NP, Grand Teton NP, Zion NP, and Bryce NP on our way to Arizona. It sure was nice having someone to share the sights with. Hopefully, this won’t be the last time we can do this. (hint, hint?)
Toward the end of October, Emma and I landed at our place for the winter at Imperial NWR. This is my first time for an extended stay in the desert southwest. With making a change to a more scenic volunteer site, I’m beginning to think about possibly returning next year. Several blogger folks have stopped by so far with the possibility of more dropping in before I leave in April. New and old friends and family visiting just adds icing to the cake of living in these beautifully wild places.
Well, that pretty much covers the highlights of this year. For a number of years I have enjoyed posting an ending picture to many of my posts. I most often catch the posterior view of wildlife, but occasionally there have been human subjects. In honor of the dwindling of 2014 in mere hours, I leave you with my…
Thanks for stopping by… talk to you later, Judy