I made it from the casino in Kinder, LA, to Winnie, TX, today by noon. And it was a good thing. It seems every time I near this location the winds along the coast pick up. Today was no exception, and I knew by the forecast that a very wet front with possible severe thunderstorms was approaching. I had a few showers along the way, but I was able to do a basic set-up before the rains began.
As I said yesterday, I won’t be staying at the volunteer village on the refuge. Instead, I set up in one of the two new volunteer sites in the Winnie maintenance complex. This new facility was just finished this past January, and serves several refuges in the area. The fact that I would be the first ever volunteer staying here made me a little apprehensive after Monday’s experience, but I needn’t have worried.
Perhaps Bayou Cocodrie NWR could take a lesson on what a volunteer site should look like. I just may send the volunteer coordinator there this picture. Notice that the pad is paved with cement, has a large patio area, picnic table area, and very easy access in and out. This site is a real beauty! Bayou Cocodrie needs to understand that the site we stay in is our home, and shouldn’t be some hole in the wall place.
I was surprised to see huge chunks of red mud still falling off of the car after I arrived here. I had tried to kick most of them off before I left Delhi. I’m very relieved to be here, and have come to terms with declining the commitment to Cocodrie.
Not all of the facility is paved with cement though. There’s a nice trail with a pond, foot bridge and gazebo.
In the picture on the right, if you look very closely you can just barely see my rig in the distance just to the right of the bridge railing. I certainly won’t be seeing the wildlife at the rig that I would if I were staying on the refuge at the volunteer village, but compared to what my choice was earlier this week, it’s 100% better.
I’ll be meeting with Stephanie tomorrow, and the plan is to get me a refuge truck that I can use to do my bird surveys and other duties. Eventually, I’ll need a little refresher on running the new VIS. I have to admit that it was pleasant for me to recognize familiar places as I made my way here this morning. It’s been two years. Where does the time go?
Thanks for stopping by… talk to you later, Judy