
Borrego Springs, CA

Sunday, May 26, 2013

The Mighty Mississippi

Well, we were off again yesterday morning on another road trip.  Eventually we made our way to Bemidji, MN, to find Paul Bunyan and Babe. 

73 Tamarac NWR, 201312

And find them we did at a nice park downtown along the lake shore.  We also encountered Chief Bemidji and a marvelous metal sculpture dedicated to all pow-wow dancers.  Jack got up close and personal with Babe, and found a bird’s nest in her nostril!  Did you know that these statues are thought to be the second most photographed icons in the nation, behind only Mount Rushmore?

73 Tamarac NWR, 201313

Then it was on to Itasca State Park.  Itasca was the first of all the Minnesota State Parks, and is famously known as being the headwaters of the mighty Mississippi River.  Because of all the recent rains and the spring thaw, we were not able to straddle the headwaters that emerge from Lake Itasca, but what a difference from crossing the Mississippi down in, say, Baton Rouge.  I tried to get Jack to hop the rocks into the middle of the headwaters, but he just wouldn’t do it! Baring teeth smile  I was looking for a good action shot.  He sure can be stubborn at times.


Today was a much more relaxing day as we stayed on the refuge and decided to drown a few worms in Lost Lake.  I’ve always enjoyed fishing, and it has been way too long since I’ve taken time to do it.  The weather forecast was not good, but it turned out to be a simply gorgeous six hours spent enjoying the solitude by having the whole lake to ourselves.  With it being Memorial Day Weekend, I was happily shocked that no one else came to take advantage of this beautiful place.  The birds were singing, the sun was shining, and the fish were biting!


Here’s Jack’s monster catch of the day.  I’m surprised he can hold it with one hand! Rolling on the floor laughing Ha Ha!  He was mostly using artificial lures, while I just stuck to the worms.  (I do have to admit that I didn’t take a picture of the Northern Pike that he caught and released to grow up some more.)


And here is what I ended up with using my lowly worms.  Enough perch and one biggie sunfish to provide me with about three meals.  What a fun time I had, and it was such a treat to have someone help me with tangled lines and behead and gut the fish!  You rock, Jack!  Guess I better quit for now and get busy trying to filet those fish…


                                                                                THE END!

Thanks for stopping by… talk to you later,  Judy


  1. Oh I was so hoping you would go to Itasca. We camped there on our Great Lakes tour and just loved it. We actually though Minnesota had some of the nicest state parks of any state. Sorry you didn't get to straddle the Mighty Mississippi. I did!! It was just a tiny little stream.

  2. We visited Itasca and Bemidji a couple of years ago when we volunteered at Voyageurs. I loved collecting pictures of the statues. In a town between Voyageurs not too far away is a great big duck statue. I collected a bunch of voyageur statues. There's one over on the Superior shore north of Duluth that's affectionately called "Pierre the pantless voyageur" due to an unfortunate paint job. He might have been in Grand Marais.

  3. What a wonderful day! You look like a kid having the time of her life!

  4. Someday you and Jim are just going to have to get together for some fishing. He uses artificial stuff most of the time but I've had worms in my fridge before. Love Paul and Babe.

  5. Another great day for you both to enjoy. Will you be doing a fish fry?

  6. You sure look happy with your catch of the day. Poor Jack - he sure got out-fished!! I've never been to MN but there are similar statues of Paul Bunyan and Babe in Klamath, California at the Trees of Mystery. It was fun to see them many years ago.

  7. I loved "The End" today. Three meals of freshly caught fish sounds good to me.

  8. I did not know that about the photography trivia. Learn something new every day! Love the look on Jack's face with his monster catch. He looks like he's giggling!

  9. Put my comment in the wrong place...Nice catch, Judy! I'd be a terrible fishing partner. I'd go crazy sitting for long periods of time. Loved "The End" today...starting to look at those kind of photo opps in a whole new way. :-)

  10. My dads family had cabins in Mn, we were a big fishing family,one trip all I remember is mu cousin
    and I, the only 2 girls, got the offical job of cleaners...by end of trip we could scale, clean, and
    fillet a fish very fast> the men were catching like crazy in those lakes
    Donna W

  11. Jack's vest looks like he takes his fishing seriously... looks like a fun day!

  12. Great end shot and looks like some good fishing.

  13. Nothing better than fresh caught fish for dinner...enjoy! Never thought about a collection of staue pictures...wish I had saved all those photos...maybe I should just over?

    Glad you and Jack are out and about, and the weather is nice!

    Hugs to Emma!

  14. Hope the fish are good eating.

  15. I bet the fish are afraid, very afraid when you're drowning worms. ;c)

    Nice "End" shot. At least there was no vent this time so you could get up close! :cD

  16. I remember traveling through Bemidji many times and seeing those statues when I was a little kid.

  17. Great header photo.

    What fun and it was all free!

  18. Dave got to walk across the rocks. I walked across the log. I'm not steady enough to risk the rocks. :)

  19. Now that we've both been to Itasca, we need to paddle from just downstream of the lake to Hastings or even Iowa. You up for it? I'm thinking that would be a good September 2014 paddle.

  20. Love Paul Bunyon and Babe - been there a couple of times, but never got The End shot. Great job!

  21. nice job on the fishing, Judy! you are a woman of many talents!

  22. We have only been to Bemidji once, but I am hoping to make it back this summer. Great "End shot"!

  23. how awesome that you visited where the Mighty Mississippi is born. . .love that!

    Now I gotta go fish. . .

  24. Never knew that about Paul & Babe.

  25. Howdy Judy & Emma,

    I found this video by GARY BUNZER, THE RV DOCTOR, which shows how RV AWNINGS get out of adjustment, how to check what is wrong and how to fix it..


    Hope this is helpful...

    (can you make this type larger)
