
Borrego Springs, CA

Sunday, November 25, 2012

Two more days at work

After the fun of working the Chesser Homestead with all of those visitors on Friday, I spent the last two days roving in the morning and working the VC in the afternoon.  There were not near as many visitors as there were on Friday.


Remember when I tried to find a wild turkey to take a picture of on Thanksgiving morning?  Not a bird was to be found anywhere.

71 Okefenokee NWR 2012-1317

This morning, there were turkeys around almost every bend!  Who said turkeys are dumb?  I thought I could hear them chuckling at me as they went about their business.  Confused smile

71 Okefenokee NWR 2012-1318

An uncommon bird on this refuge is the house wren, but I found one that couldn’t help scolding me for  passing by. 

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As I drove next to the borrow ditch that used to have a bridge that led to Chesser Island, a great blue heron was looking for it’s breakfast.  It was in the 30’s when I woke up this morning, so I opted out of taking the open air electric cart for my roving.  Call me chicken, but an enclosed vehicle with heat made my morning more comfortable.


As I neared the homestead, two does crossed the road.  I was the first one on the wildlife drive this morning, and that usually means better wildlife viewing chances.


Thinking about my bird tour on woodpeckers next Saturday, I was happy to find this red-headed woodpecker once again along the route I’ll take.  When I worked the VC this afternoon I found out that Gracie Gooch, the volunteer coordinator, has been notifying local Audubon groups about the tour trying to drum up business for me.  I had figured no one would show up for the tour since it’s kind of early in the morning for folks to show up this far off of the beaten path. 

I guess it has been some time since birding tours have been offered here, if ever, and it was one of the reasons I was asked to come volunteer.  I’m a little more optimistic now that someone might actually come.  We even discussed the possibility that two vans may be needed.  Personally, I think that’s a pipe dream, but it was fun to talk about.

Tomorrow I work out at the Chesser Homestead all day, so my post will probably be about those pioneers tomorrow.  Before I open it up for visitation, my plan is to once again call the Mayo Waycross hospital to try to get a surgery date.  I sure hope they finally have a December surgery calendar set up.

IMG_1036                                                                                THE END!!

Thanks for stopping by… talk to you later,  Judy


  1. Love the end photo.
    We had a house wren this summer that sat atop the neighbour's spruce tree and belted out his tune every single day. I love the way they flit their tails up in the air at you.

  2. You do such an awesome job of catching the wildlife on film... My pics generally look like your last one. I am always a day late or dollar short. Maybe I will have to use them as 'the end', It worked well!

  3. The photo of the doe is magnificent. I would so love to come along on your woodpecker tour!

  4. Such great pictures. Those animals hang around for you I think. They know you as a friend. Sure wish I could be there for the tour. Love "the end". Great shot!

  5. Wishing you good luck on getting your surgery scheduled.

  6. so typical that the turkeys show up after Thanksgiving!..sort of like the moose showing up after or before hunting season and then disappearing during!!..those are smart turkeys!

  7. We almost hit four or five of them dumb turkeys ... a whole flock was on the road. Some go left, some go right, some stop and look at you, some turn around and go the opposite way they came!

    Karen and Steve
    (Old Blog Name) RVing: Small House... BIG Backyard
    (New Blog Name) RVing: This Country Is Our Big Backyard

  8. Turkeys........ so unpredictable. They are in the ditches every time we go to town. Sometimes they start crossing the road, then midway for whatever reason, they turn around and go back. Can't trust those buggers. Would be better on somebody's dinner table. Your photos are just wonderful. I so enjoy your blog, and can't wait to see what you'll find next.

  9. We hear the turkeys, but rarely see any. I agree your ability to see and photograph wildlife is wonderful.

  10. From the sounds of the last two posts, it seems you are having a better time of it lately. and even enjoying yourself ;-) Hopefully you can get the hip surgery done soon and be healed up before springtime?

  11. Guess those turkeys knew the coast was clear again. :-)

  12. Oh to funny! They are like the deer at Hardin Ridge, come Friday they disappeared then Monday they were everywhere. Animals are not dumb that is for sure.

  13. Those turkeys were being...turkeys on Friday. Have a great bird tour, no matter how many people show up. If any of those people read your blog, they will definitely show up for your tour! I hope you are able to pin down a surgery date.

  14. Good luck with the surgery schedule....and also the birding group. You just might be surprised. When we were at Kissimmee Prairie the advertised a birding trip and I was surprised how many people showed up to that remote area.

  15. Of course the turkeys would come out today...Murphy's law.

  16. Did I ever tell you about the time I stalked a beautiful deer? It was standing very still, even as I stealthily approached. After about 5 pictures, I realized it was a decoy.

  17. Great pics as always. Especially love the departing deer one at the end.

  18. No wonder those deer were jumping for their lives! Anytime I'd see a lady driving a car at me at a screaming 10 mph, I'd be jumping too... ;c)

    Really nice shot of Woody Woodpecker. Hopefully he'll be around when you start your tours.

  19. Can't get much better than a toasty, early morning ride and seeing all the wildlife. How relaxing can that be!

  20. I'm not surprised at all that those Turkeys were in hiding before Thanksgiving! Smart birds!

  21. It's hard to soar with the Eagles when you are surrounded by Turkeys...I read that somewhere. I sure hope you get your surgery scheduled soon..Half the battle is the wait for the date to arrive..then it's "let's get this show on the road!!"....

  22. You know those turkeys are just playing with you - they are always around it seems, so if they don't show up they are just having fun.
