Today was the second of my three days in a row off this week. Yesterday was cold, dark, and dreary and my scheduled boat ride into the swamp got cancelled due to inclement weather. So I just hunkered down inside, did laundry, and watched some daytime TV. It has been years since I’ve had the TV on during the afternoon on a weekday. Can’t say that I’ve missed anything.
Today, the sun was shining and I had a long list of errands to run about 35 miles away in Kingsland, GA. First up on the list was to get a much needed haircut. I really only go to Wal-mart when I have to. The bigger stores usually have a beauty parlor, so that’s all I did there. Then it was on to the Publix grocery store. I’m really liking this store. What a selection they have!I can’t even guess the last time I had B&M Brown Bread. When I was growing up, my mother would occasionally buy a can of this tasty bread, and we would slice it and slather cream cheese on it. I haven’t even seen it in many years in any of the grocery stores I’ve been in. I had to buy a can, doncha’ know.
Can’t wait for breakfast tomorrow!
Then it was on to do battle with Verizon at one of their stores. I had stopped there last week to ask what the error message of WMC604 meant. For the last three weeks or so, I have only very occasionally been able to connect with my Verizon air card. They told me they couldn’t help me unless I brought in the air card and my laptop. So I did that today, to no avail. They still couldn’t figure out what was the matter. I thought that perhaps I would have normal service in town, but it wouldn’t connect there either. Eventually they called for Verizon support, and after about 45 minutes, Verizon decided to send me a new 4G air card. Of course that won’t arrive until next week. I told them to look at how my usage has dropped to near zero through no fault of my own, and that I did not want to be charged for the days I couldn’t get on-line. They agreed to eliminate fees until I’m back on line. (a small victory for the consumer) Thankfully I have a very slow, but adequate Wifi signal here provided by the refuge for its volunteers. It only takes about a half hour or so to publish a post with a couple of pictures .
After getting back home, the phone rang and showed a call from Mississippi. I thought, “Hooray! It’s Mayo calling with my surgery appointment.” I was excited to say the least. As soon as I answered, the call got dropped. My cell reception here leaves a lot to be desired. I called back immediately, and it turned out to be a Dillard’s store. What??? I’ve never even been in one of their stores. Then it dawned on me: I’m in Georgia, not Mississippi, and Mayo is in Waycross, GA! Duh!! How could I forget what state I was living in? I don’t know.
One of the other things I did in Kingsland today was to stop at a Lowe’s to purchase one of those shepherd’s crooks thingies to hang my bird feeders on. In the late afternoon, I pounded it into the ground.
I put it at the edge of my side yard where Emma and I sit outside each afternoon and evening. So, the Hard Rock Bird Café is now open on the edge of the woods. Since the pine trees are about 75’ tall, there aren’t any low branches for me to hang the feeders from. Hence, I needed one of those crooks. I’m wagering that I may see and do battle with more squirrels than birds, but let the games begin!
Thanks for stopping by… talk to you later, Judy
I hate blind phone calls. I'll usually let them go to voice mail and then see if they leave a message. Most of the time, they don't.
ReplyDeleteWay to WIN with the people of Verizon! I'm glad to know someone can! Now, good luck with the new card when it arrives!
ReplyDeleteAlso, good luck with the new pole and keeping away critters other than those with feathers!
I've lost track of how many times I have to stop and think of which state we're in. I really miss my memory. :-(
ReplyDeleteKeep us updated on the brown bread for breakfast. It sounds delicious! Next time I need my cell contract re-negotiated, I'm calling you.
ReplyDeleteWe just call that living "in the state of chaos". One time I answered the phone at one refuge by giving the greeting of another refuge. The funny thing was that the caller was the volunteer coordinator from Anahuac and she thought she'd just called the wrong refuge. I like that 3 pronged holder... will you have to take down the feeders at night?
ReplyDeleteNot remembering which state you are in as a full timer is not a serious senior moment:) when you forget Emma's name, then start to worry!
ReplyDeleteCool header photo.
ReplyDeleteThere is nothing on worth watching during the day. All ridiculous game shows with canned laughter.
We have on many occasion asked each other what day is it, what is the date, and where are we?
Oh I haven't had Brown Bread for years! I have been craving it lately too! I'll have to look for it!
ReplyDeleteNever had Brown Bread before, have to put it on our list. Thanks for your help identifying the woodpecker.
ReplyDeleteThe state of confusion? ;)
ReplyDeleteI just read about your possible plans for next winter. I really hope we are gone from here by then, but if not it would be a joy to meet you. We have been to the pinnacles in October and March. Seems like any winter times would be O?k. Cool but not to bad. Summer time is a killer!
ReplyDeleteAt an Escapade in MO, a women left a concert to answer her phone. Because I was driving the shuttle I was also outside and I heard her tell her daughter she was at a concert. The daughter then said - no Mom, what state are you in? Cracked me up. Tis the life of a full timer.
ReplyDeleteYou are really making me miss Publix stores. They are without a doubt the best chain in the whole country!
ReplyDeleteNever heard of bread in a can. I need to travel more.
ReplyDeleteHave never heard of Publix Stores or bread in a can. Guess I missed something really good from all the comments. If I ever see it I'll have to try it. Good luck with the war.
ReplyDeleteI gotta look for that brown bread. . .what section is it in. . .yum!
ReadyToGoFullTimeRVing Blog
Oh I remember what state I am in ...... usually I am in the state of Contentment, my grandson takes me to the state of Laughter, my dogs to the state of Hysteria, and my Lady Blue to the state of Freedom and Happiness :-) I try to stay clear of the state of Frustration, as the traffic is just too heavy for comfort. (Sorry, couldn't resist, LOL)
ReplyDeleteBTW, My mom also used to buy that wonderful brown bread, fabulous!
Publix is a great store. My grandmother used to buy Hillbilly Bread- I loved it. I don't think they make it any more.
ReplyDeleteI'm not sure if we'll forget what state we're in, but we're already having trouble keeping track of the days of the week :-)))
ReplyDeleteI don't have trees at my site to hang feeders from, so I think that I will break down and get one of those hooks. Maybe with that , I'll spend more time outside watching some birds. I haven't seen B&M Brown Bread around here either. My mom too would get that once in awhile. Yum!
ReplyDeleteI am glad that we brought one of our hooks with us. They don't work well here at the asphalt jungle though.
ReplyDeleteYes, quite often. Time zone, too. Love Publix!
ReplyDeleteI almost brought one of those hooks with me but didn't at the last moment. Should have although I didn't have one with 3 hooks. That's cool. Oh well. I'll watch your birds and squirrel battles with you.
ReplyDeleteHaven't forgotten the state yet but the date, month, days of the week.......yup!
I'm a Whole Foods lover myself and but prefer Kroger and Sweet Bay to the Florida Publix but I bet they aren't the same everywhere.
Bread in a can is a new one for me - never heard of it before. Your Verizon problem is one that is causing a whole lot of 4G customers the same grief you are having. A new aircard may solve the problem or it may not. The new 4G services still have a few wrinkles to iron out. For now, I'm sticking with the more dependable 3G.
ReplyDeleteBread in a Can! This I've got to try.
ReplyDeleteI never seem to have the slightest idea what day of the week it might be, but our state?
Hard to forget since it seems we're always trying to secede ;)
We'll be toasting the Erkuns tonight as well... Şerefe!!!
Yup...Brown bread in a can, warmed up and slathered in butter...We use to have it at our house too!! Unfortunately, I DO know what state I am in, and it really hacks me off to be here in the cold weather...Hopefully that will change soon...Lots riding on that.
ReplyDeleteI MISS PUBLIX!!! You might want to know that the Publix brand will always be as good or better than the nationally known brand names!
ReplyDeleteAlso, if you haven't tried them yet, go to the meat market and get or ask for their black and blue burgers....AMAZING! Your campground reminds me of home near Apalachicola. Tall Pines, Swamp, and MOSQUITOS! LOL!
LOL sometimes before I open my eyes in the morning I stop to think for a minute about where the heck I am parked!
ReplyDeleteThat bread looks stupendous. Be sure and tell us how it tasted.
ReplyDeleteFirst it was: What time is it? Then it was: What time zone are we in? Then: What day of the week is it? Then: What state was I in.
ReplyDeleteI'm still pretty sure of what country I'm in, but that could change, too... :cO
Glad to know its still around! Haven't seen it in eons ... Live it with cream cheese
ReplyDeleteLOL on the State ... I'm working on what city....