
Borrego Springs, CA

Sunday, December 27, 2015

Test of Open Live Writer

Since Windows Live Writer went kaput a couple of weeks ago, I just haven’t had the interest in writing a post to the blog.  I seriously thought of just packing it in and quitting.  But like so many others I’ve decided to give it one more try.  This is a test to see if it will work.


Looks like getting the photos the way I prefer is going to take some work.  Let’s just see what happens.

It’s really not like I’ve done anything exciting in the last two weeks anyway…

Thanks for stopping by… talk to you later,  Judy


  1. Maybe you haven't done anything exciting, but I is still good to find that you have posted. I miss knowing what 's going on with the bird lady!!! I hope you will love the new Live Writer!

  2. Glad to see you back. I haven't noticed anything different as far as inserting photos.

  3. Glad to see you back. I haven't noticed anything different as far as inserting photos.

  4. I was ready to hang it up also but then the post I did today posted without a problem. So we'll see how it goes.

  5. I was ready to hang it up also but then the post I did today posted without a problem. So we'll see how it goes.

  6. Your blog looks just fine to me. Keep it up, when you don't post you are missed.

  7. Your post looks different, but I'm glad you didn't quit.

  8. Crikey .... please don't give it away. I'd miss you!! You are ALLOWED breaks but please don't give up!! Even if you don't think your pictures are much chop I do. We don't have the birds here that you have and I love to see them. The picture you posted today reminds me of our brolgas. So beautiful!!

  9. Your post looks fine & good for you in sticking with the transition to Open Live Writer.

  10. I always look forward to your blogs... hope you continue.

  11. Nice to see you back , glad you did not throw in the towel.

  12. Your OLW blog looks just fine to me. I also had trouble sizing the pictures properly and then saving that size for my medium pictures. I think they are still tweaking it and it will do nothing but get better. I always enjoy reading your blogs and I hope you don't quit.

  13. Never used live writer...don't even know what it is. Am I missing something? Glad it's working for ya now.

  14. Judy, if you want to drop me a note with what your preferred method is for getting photos in, I can see if I have problems doing it your way. Sue and I worked out something the other day, so sometimes two or three brains are better than one ;-) My problem with using OLW is now a different challenge. No problem with OLW as long as I am home and I have access to the Windows-based laptop. But that laptop does't travel with me. I used to be able to partition my Macbook and use Windows 7 for blogging, but my new MacAir only allows for installation of Windows 8 or above ... not sure if I want to do that, so now I have a different dilemma to resolve.

  15. I am finding OLW is okay but no labels and the post time is off by about 8 hours if you schedule posts which I do so then I have to go into blogger and edit...but it is still better than the blogger template. I hope you and Emma had a Merry Christmas! :)

  16. I'd say your test passed with flying colors (in reference to your header pictures of the Snow Geese). :c)

  17. I was hesitant to try it too..But it seems to be working for me. My blogs are few and far between..I hate being slave to a computer and would much rather be outside...For now, I am still blogging, though.

  18. For sure, don't stop blogging. I'm thinking of trying to get a network going of blogging volunteers. And I've always felt you are one of my volunteer mentors since I met you when I first started this volunteer life. Happy New Year.

  19. I too have had some problems getting my pictures to come in centered and in the size I want but I think Karen is right and they are continuing to work on it. I sure hope they will soon add the spell checker. Your post looks fine to me and it's good to hear from you. I'm really hoping you will talk about what you do with your days there at the park in such a new type of life for you.

  20. Glad to see that you gave it a try, Judy. There are so many people out there who love to read what you have to say, even when you aren't following the birds around. It is really nice to have long distance friends all around the country, I think, and hopefully worth the effort for you. Thanks for posting.

  21. I sure hope you don't stop blogging but I'm with you, I had nothing but troubles with Open Live Writer while we were in Montana.

  22. After I deleted the old l line writer from my computer I downloaded the new open Live Writer just a few days ago... I see no difference on how I post from the old to the new... I have a plain template for my blog no bells or whistles... sure what I am wondering is... maybe I downloaded the latest debugged download now that they fixed everything... so maybe if those people who downloaded it before they got all the bugs out are still having problems could be if you deleted open Live writer and reinstalled the newest version you might not have a problem just my thinking not sure if it would work

  23. What happened to all the old posts in the former LW. Are you still able to access them or are they gone completely?

  24. This comment has been removed by the author.

  25. i love to watch this birds for hours and hours!

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