
Borrego Springs, CA

Tuesday, April 12, 2016

There comes a time…

This June will mark my ten year anniversary as a fulltime RVer.  It has been a wonderful journey with so many memorable experiences for me.  I’ll never forget each and every one of the fifteen National Wildlife Refuges I’ve volunteered at, but there comes a time when it’s best to ‘hang up the keys’.  I have reached that point in time.


          There’s a bench here in the park to sit upon and contemplate things.  It’s a favorite place of mine.

Driving the rig has never been my favorite part of this lifestyle, and I was literally dreading getting ready to do so again.  I’ve grown tired of the stress and all of the work involved in traveling solo.  Beginning in October, I gave Jojoba Hills a try and it turned out that I really feel comfortable here.


So, for the last couple of months I’ve been investigating how to stay.  It seemed silly to me to have a motorized rig just sitting on a site for who knows how long.  Well, today I signed my name on the dotted line and in about eight weeks a Cedar Creek Cottage destination trailer will be installed on my site. (think kind of a park model)

IMG_1345 Can you believe a black-crowned night heron showed up at the pond below me in the middle of the desert?

I was thinking that perhaps with trading in the motorhome I could get the trailer and maybe have something left over towards a small rig for summer travel.  Pipe dreams for sure!  Seems to me that we always think what we have is worth more than what it really is worth.  That’s been my experience anyway. 


                                                                      Pepper tree peppers.

So, no little rig, and tomorrow I’ll be calling my financial advisor to get some funds for the trailer.  Mind you, I chose what I think is a quality rig with several upgrades to be my new ‘home’.  I’ll not be pulling this baby anywhere.  I was a nervous wreck this morning while waiting for the guy to come and evaluate my motorhome for a trade in.  I was hoping for more than what was offered, but that didn’t pan out.  (This was the third or fourth place that I had been in contact with.)

Tonight I’m feeling excited about starting a new era in my life, but it seems ‘Travels with Emma’ has come to an end.  Not many travels in my future until I can save up for something to travel in.  Probably won’t be posting much of anything now that I’ll be sedentary.  One door closes and another opens…


          I’m taking this as a good omen.  This rainbow was the view from my door during last night’s storm.

Thanks for stopping by… talk to you later,  Judy


  1. Just because you aren't traveling doesn't mean you quit blogging. Please don't quit sharing. I started reading your blog a few years back when you were in my backyard in Anahuac, TX. Keep sharing. Thank you.

  2. I agree, don't quit blogging. I love reading everything you write and seeing your pictures. You always have something interesting to write about. Good luck in your new digs, show us pictures! It'll be fun and exciting for you and Emma! Diane

  3. I hope you keep sharing California on your blog! Sounds like you are settling in, and that is a good thing! :)

  4. A very great mentor of ours gave us the best advice when he told us,"Do things before you HAVE to ... so you are not at the mercy of urgent circumstances." He was an adventurous guy. Coast Guard in WWII, rode a motorcycle around Egypt in the '40s, came home to become a very successful businessman and developer but always had great adventures. Scuba diving, a pilot, hot air balloons, boating. He even navigated a balloon trip over the Italian Alps! But ... he planned ahead and when he died at the age of 93, he and his wife had had a comfortable and secure life with all the appropriate living arrangements for their needs at any given time. You are VERY wise to change your style of living and prepare for a different set of adventures while you are calling the shots and not scrambling to manage a bad situation and paying extra because you were in a crisis. Please do not stop your blogging ... there are plenty of folks who have been following your journey and will be grateful of the tutorial on "what comes next" !! You still have tales to tell and lessons to teach. All the best .....

    By the way ... some friends of ours have a lot in Jojoba Hills and may be neighbors of yours! Don & Tys ... look for their Foretravel coach!

    1. "The bad news is that time flies. The good news is that you are the pilot." Michael Altshuler

    2. Your two comments are so right. Thanks for sharing for all of us.

  5. I like the looks of your new home. I hope you find it comfortable to live in.

  6. Well, sad to hear you hanging up the keys, but your new home sounds terrific! You sure can't beat your location for variety either-- desert, mountains, ocean, whatever you want is within a few hours away. And, hey-- just because you'll no longer be a Resident RV volunteer doesn't mean you have to end that part of your life either-- at Bosque, we had an older local woman who came down every Saturday to volunteer. There are lots of birds in California, no? I bet somewhere nearby is a sanctuary or park of some kind who would love your expertise if you choose to share it! As for the blog, go the Tioga George route! He doesn't have his Tioga anymore, and blogs a lot less than he used to, but still gives his faithful followers a few lines now and then to tell us what he's up to. I hope you will too!

  7. To tell you the truth, I am not surprised at you wanting to slow down. Jojoba Hills is such a gorgeous place, as your wonderful photos support. The weather is just about perfect. You have found many many interests there. I am sure it just feels very comfortable. We, too, believe we need to be proactive in making decisions for our future and not allow the future to dedicate it. You have made so many wonderful memories and have the photos to prove it.

    It has been so much fun to follow along on your adventures. We will miss them but totally support your decision. When we aren't traveling. we don't post often. I am not one that wants to read every day what you had for breakfast, etc. But, please keep us informed of what is going on in your life. Nice to see the grandkids photos as they grow up.

    Congratulations on your new home purchase. Looking forward to getting a peek inside. Good luck. Keep enjoying the good life and Emma!

  8. I too LOVE your decision, one that we will all need to make at some point.

    You are so blessed to have found a place you like with a few months to mull over what comes next. . .wishing you all the best in this next phase of life's journey.

    I too hope you will continue to share once in awhile. . .have enjoyed meeting you, and following your journey on your blog. . .

    1. I agree Janice. I have enjoyed and learned from Judy's travel experiences and have met some wonderful people through her. So glad John and I got to meet you and Dave through Judy when we were at Tamarac. I like to think of Judy's travels and her sharing them as gifts to all of us.

  9. Good luck with your new home. Like the others here, I will miss your blog and pictures, but please drops us a few lines now and then. Remember, this is not The End!

    Thank you for a great blog.

  10. One of the good choices available to us RVers. I started stepping through the same door about a week ago. The frequent travel just was not so much fun anymore. It looks like I am headed to a fishing location part of the year, a grandkid location part of the year and maybe a couple of weeks travel between the two locations each year. It is still a wonderful life as we know. Have great fun with the new lifestyle.

  11. Congratulations on your new home Judy and Emma. I sure hope you don't stop blogging. I still want to hear what you are up to and I sure hope you will show us your new home when it arrives and are settled. Take Care and I will be looking for your blog on our side bar so don't keep me waiting to long. I enjoy your writing so much.

  12. You'll be so busy there, you'll have a lot to blog about. Enjoy the new adventure.

  13. Good luck on your new lifestyle, we all will be eventually doing something similar. You really enjoy it there, sounds like a perfect location for you.
    Enjoy your new home, and please update us once in a while.

  14. I have wondered about what other kind of trailers that could be put in at Jojoba. It will be interesting to see yours next fall. Keep us posted on the weather there during summer. We have more years and more trips to take, but eventually I can see us doing something similar. Good luck.

  15. Words can not describe how much I have enjoyed your blog...especially the birds...and the memories of meeting you at Anahuac NR...definitely one of the highlights of our travels.

    Joe and I are hoping for a trip to Borrego Springs next year...hope to see you!

  16. Smart to make the decision to hang up the keys when you want to, not because you are forced to. When the stress level goes up for doing something you used to enjoy, the time has arrived to re-evaluate ... and your solution is a good one. Hope you write occasionally to let us all know how you're doing, or post on FB every once in a while.

  17. Nice...we're glad that you found a place that you can call home!


  18. I'm so glad we got to meet you and also hope you don't quit blogging! As my Joe says it's a new season in your life. Enjoy !

  19. Congratulations are in order Judy--and I love the statement made in the above comment--""Do things before you HAVE to ... so you are not at the mercy of urgent circumstances." Good luck with your new home and please don't stop blogging--show us photos of your new home and your outings--can't wait to see it!!

  20. Just because you are not on the road traveling with Emma, doesn't mean you need to stop blogging. I for one among many will miss your postings. So, please don't quit blogging altogether. If you don't want to post every day, just skip a day or two, but don't quit.

  21. Congratulations on your new life style. Please continue to share your life with us..

  22. Something tells me you have a *need* to take pictures and I hope you'll continue to share your incredible photos with us.

    Congratulations on your new home (I'm sure I'm not the only one who wants pictures of that!) I hope this next part of your journey will continue to feed your soul (and ours!)

  23. It was a great experience and privilege to share part of your on-the-road time at Tamarac. Especially our "vegetable runs"! Like that you got to "test drive" where you are going to live permanently.

  24. Congrats to you and Emma I'm sure you made the right decision but I sure wish you would not quit blogging I'm sure there's interesting things around there and things you will be doing and birds you will be saying I will always check your bag and look for your post...Donna AKA grammynmaggie

  25. Happy to hear that you made a deal and will be getting the Cottage. Look forward to seeing photos of your new home! I told you your followers would not want you to stop blogging :-)

  26. I agree with all these comments, Judy. Smart to make choices ahead of time. And yes, please keep blogging. If only for those amazing photos you take!

  27. Judy, congrats on your new plans. Please don't forget us in the blog world who think of you as family.

  28. Perhaps more blogs about "hanging up the keys" would be in order. I know I would be interested.

  29. 10 years is a good run. Still. I love your blog,loved traveling along with you, loved the birds...hoped that someday I'd visit a refuge that you were working. I hope you post from time to time. I think all full timers need to think of how disengage from that lifestyle, so I imagine you'll have plenty to say about the transition. I hope you stay in touch!

  30. Congratulations on your new adventure. I'm sure you and Emma will be very happy in your new home. Please let us know how your both doing!

  31. This comment has been removed by the author.

  32. Best of Wishes, Judy & Emma, for your new home and less stress of driving the big rig!! We will miss your wonderful photographs and travel, but clearly understand not wanting to move around so much.
    Kathy & Grant Webb

  33. Congratulations on a good long run of volunteering. We got a lot of ideas about volunteering from your blog and will continue to keep up with your activities. We bought our little park model home a few years ago as a "just in case" sort of thing. We really enjoy the few weeks we stay in it each year, and are amazed at how comfortable and well-built it is. I'm sure that you'll enjoy your new home just as much!

  34. Your photography and wit, but most of all Emma, means that the blog must go on.

  35. Stress is such an awful feeling and driving a big rig - solo - with a car could never have been easy for you. All our lives, choices have to be made and we can only hope most of 'em are good ones. You're very wise to know it's time to trade in a motoring home for a stationary home. Jimmy and I have toured park models and even considered one for ourselves, but bought a house in Nevada City instead! Go figure! Really like them, tho. Guess that means we won't see you up here, will we? Maybe we'll come down and visit you and Emma. You'll be taking more days trips, probably, with your camera ... and we'll be waiting to see those pics. Especially the ones that say, "The End!" Best wishes that all goes well.

  36. When something isn't fun any more, it is time to change what you are doing. Look forward to seeing what the new place is like. You don't have to travel to be doing things we all want to read about. Blog when something interesting happens.
    We spent 6 years full timing. Now own a winter home in Arizona. Some day, we too will "hang up the keys." We want to do it on our time, just like you have done.

  37. PS: I bet Julian still has lilacs in bloom! :-)

  38. This all sounds like a great plan to me. If you REALLY want to have another, smaller rig, you'll do it, and in the meantime you'll live in a brand new home in a really great park. I think it's wonderful you're so happy there. Not so wonderful, though, if we never hear from you again. An occasional update on what you're doing would be welcome... I'd hate for all your readers to lose track of you. Good luck - enjoy your new lifestyle! And keep in touch!! :)

  39. I have to echo what everybody else has said - do NOT quit blogging. We have to know how you are doing with your shooting and what Emma is up to and pictures of the birds and lizards. Jim and I have said for a year or so that when we decide to slow down we want a destination trailer and I love yours. Definitely what we will be looking for. I figure we'll leave the little Bungalow in Montana and then drive the truck back and forth. Hopefully not for a few years yet but the time will come. If it were just me, I would move into an apartment and let somebody else worry about everything.

  40. So many have made this choice this year. I know you will be happy with your choice and your new home. I agree with the others please don't stop posting your fantastic pictures. And I am so looking forward to seeing your new home.

  41. So many people have said such eloquent things above. I can't imagine being able to one-up them so I will simply say that I agree fully with each comment made! You are such a great real and virtual friend and educator to us. I hope you continue on keeping in touch with us on your terms for sharing! Pick one bird a week and tell us about it! You could share any personal experiences with that species... Just my idea!

    God bless you and Emma and your new home!

  42. It's just a hunch but I will guess that after you get moved in and settled, you will still have the desire to continue to take great photos of the birds. Like all bloggers, we think we will stop blogging when something changes in life but it's hard to stop. It sounds like your readers would enjoy a line or two on occasion, maybe some pics of the new homestead or just your general area.

    No matter what, good luck to you and enjoy your new home. The hounds and I will keep checking for a possible blog post from you. We are living proof you don't need to travel to blog.

  43. I agonized over my decision to sell my 5th wheel and get off the road, and I didn't travel for nearly as long as you did. Mostly I know it was the right time to quit, but I still dream about getting something small and manageable and going back to the RVing lifestyle. It would never work for me to be a solo again though. I think you've come to a sound decision, but like all your readers, I hope you continue to blog about Jojoba, living in a park model, sightseeing in the area, and of course, your shootin' !

  44. I sure hope you don't quit blogging. Yours has been my favorite of the ones I read. You have a wonderful way of connecting with people and I really enjoy reading your blogs (travel or not!) I understand if you decide not to continue with it, but I will sure miss you.

  45. As a vicarious traveler/sightseer/RV-er/boondocker/full-timer, I too have enjoyed seeing what independent women can do on their own. Yet I can also see how living in a large moving castle could spell anxiety when a case of "what-ifs" drives along with you. I've admired your fierce ability to drive those nasty freeways, particularly in SoCal,yet it is understandable that a fixed home will allow you more freedom...a protected freedom, with roots and links. Please do keep blogging. You have a lot to share. After all, this isn't The End. It is the beginning.

  46. Had I not read Janna's blog this morning I would have missed your post. You have lots of great comments & advice from your RV blogging family & I echo all that has been said. We have never been to Johoba Hills but have heard good things about it. We too believe in planning ahead & making decisions before one is forced into a stressful situation. The decision to sell our Congress house is based on that logic. I remember you as one of the original RV Bloggers many years ago & have enjoyed following your travels. So happy to have met you at the 2015 Bloggerfest in Quartzsite. All the best to both you & Emma. Who knows maybe next winter we'll make it over your way to say hello. Take care Judy & don't let that camera of yours end up with a pile of dust on it:))

  47. I soooo get it, Judy..Dennis turned 74 this month and I am no longer fond of the stress of driving the Hiker..We have to do some serious thinking too..I really don't want to die in this big old house in Illinois..rather have a small place in a warmer climate...Please don't stop blogging..Change the name and keep on blogging...Life with Judy and Emma..

  48. Everyone else has pretty much said my thoughts... I love reading (and seeing photos) your blogs no matter where you are or what you're doing. One thing for sure... your many hours at National Wildlife Refuges has been appreciated and will be sorely missed! You know, some refuges have housing available... just sayin'

  49. I've enjoyed your blog as well, and would love to see you continue to blog about your change in lifestyle. My husband are starting our third year of fulltiming and are still finding our way. Your blog has been helpful. We will eventually settle down somewhere but we aren't done wandering yet and haven't found where we want to stay. Your passage through this new phase in your life would be interesting to us if you decide to blog it. daveandjaneofnoknownaddress.blogspot.com

  50. Dear Judy, As you open this new door, look at it as a different kind of travel! We are very much enjoying our journey with you through life, and it is enough. If you feel motivated, please share your new adventures with us. Your window and perspective is unique and reading the comments, I must say that I am not alone in enjoying your blog. Thank you for sharing and if you post in the future, I look forward to reading. Enjoy the new place and all the adventures it will entail!

  51. Perhaps more blogs about "hanging up the keys" would be in order. I know I would be interested.

  52. Add my name to the list of people who are hoping you will keep blogging, Judy. Reading your blog was never just about the travel; it was about what a neat person you are, with all that knowledge---especially, but not solely, about birds. We like the sincerity, the personality, the caring, that comes through. Please don't take that away from us. We will always be glad to hear from you, no matter the subject. Sounds like a fun time ahead for you, what with a new home, and way less stress.

  53. Keep on taking those pictures of the critters, we will keep on reading and learning.

  54. Businesses are just that and will only make deals that will maximize their profits. You should try selling your rig online where you can sell it as is and possibly double your bottom line.
    We hope you continue writing and posting us those great pictures you are well known for.
    Be Safe and Enjoy!

    It's about time.

  55. I have been admiring our nature photography with envy for years. You were one of the reasons we made the jump to full-timing a few years ago. Just want you to know you are appreciated and wish you the best for the future. I will continue to follow your posts.

    Bob & Joan

  56. Well I came back to see who else had written in response to your news and find that my comment has disappeared. Hmmmmmmmmmmm. Well I know, that you know what is best for you. Congratulations on your decision. I'm afraid you are right that we all think our rigs are worth more than those who will be buying them think. But I'm glad you were able to get enough from it to move ahead with your new plans. I once heard there are 4 stages to one's life but I think with longer lives we've added a 5th, the post retirement phase. You have definitely picked a great place. I also hope you'll keep in touch so we know how you are liking your new home, how the shooting is coming, what volunteer work you might take on, how Emma is doing, when the grand girls visit and what you are doing with all your new friends. I've loved following you and am sorry I only got to take one hike with you as my leader. Please keep checking in on my blog, I need your birding id!

  57. Life is such that we can never predict where it will go. When I started my blog in May of 2012, I called it Adventures of Dorrie Anne. And, indeed, we did go on ONE adventure at the end of that year. But that was the end of traveling for me, at least for the foreseeable future, although hope springs eternal.

    One's blog doesn't need to be about travel, specifically, even if that subject is implied in the name. There are many things to share with others via a blog, so when travel came to a halt, I just started posting pictures of what other things I saw that interested me - mostly food! Not a lot of people read my blog, but those that do seem to like it, so that makes it worth the effort. It's the sharing that is meaningful to me.

    I read your every post, and for sure I would miss doing this, so definitely encourage to continue to keep your loyal readers in your life!

    Virtual hugs,



  58. Glad you found someplace to call home. Sounds like a great place to be. Hope you keep up a blog for we all love to hear from you. Sent you a picture from Balcones and hope you enjoy it.

  59. In the end, it's not the years in your life that count. It's the life in your years.
    Abhraham Lincoln

  60. So glad to hear you like your new place. John and I wish you the very best. I am so happy I got to work with you at Tamarac NWR. You made my first "refuge volunteering experience" a fantastic one. I learned so much from you and enjoyed every minute of it. Thanks so much for sharing your travel experiences with the RV world. John and I will have to stop in and see you when we travel through your area. See ya later my friend. Please give Emma a pat on the head for me.

  61. There will come a time for all of us to "hang up the keys." It sounds like you are happy with your decision and where you are...so happy for you.

  62. Congratulations and thanks for the many wonderful posts. And the private tours you gave us in Ochechobee and the Preserve in Mississippi. You are a fantastic tour guide and a gracious host. Best wishes on the next adventure. Keep up the photos -- I hope you find a way to post something now and then so all of your many followers like us can check in and see how you are doing. Life in Jojoba Hills would be an interesting read to those of us that have only visited there a few days... Whatever you decide -- we appreciate all the time and effort you put into your blog and we are blessed to have been able to meet you. Happy Trails there...

  63. It is a wise person who knows when it is time for a change and acts upon that decision. Congratulations and enjoy the new adventure:)

  64. one door closes and another opens..sounds like you have made a good decision that will work for you and emma!
    congrats on your new home purchase! can't wait to see inside..I do hope that you will continue to blog every once in a while!..as others have said before me..enjoy the new adventure!!

  65. We've met so many full timers that have no exit plan and just will wing it when the time comes. You done good by methodically looking at all the options and choosing the very best one for you. Almost think it was some kind of mathematical wizardry involved. ;c)

    All the best to you and Emma as you start a new chapter in life, we've so enjoyed your posts and meet ups over the years. You made our FT lives so much richer with your blog!

  66. Congrats on your new home! Thank you for sharing your travels!

  67. Noooo! You can still blog and share your lovely pictures from your home. I still read George and Gypsy's blogs and they just chat and keep us up to date. Please keep blogging and thank you!

  68. I am happy to hear you have found a place to settle down, but sad that you will no longer be blogging. We have friends who have the Cottages in our place in Georgia. They seem to really like them and they are getting very popular. One of them may end up being our exit plan as well. Good luck.

  69. Day late and a dollar short...way behind on blog reading, but I had to add my voice to the crowd. I did send you an email, Judy, and I do hope to see you now and then. Lots of folks have a lot to say about life in general, and you most certainly do! Hope you keep talking. Either way, I am sure we will spend time good times together in the future, one way or another.

  70. Good for you Judy. We are so glad that you found Jojoba to be the right fit for you. Wishing you the very best. Jim and Barbara Rydberg

  71. Good for you Judy. We are so glad that you found Jojoba to be the right fit for you. Wishing you the very best. Jim and Barbara Rydberg

  72. Congratulations on your new adventure. I'm sure you and Emma will be very happy in your new home. Thank you for sharing your travels! I read your every post, and for sure I would miss doing this, so definitely encourage to continue to keep your loyal readers in your life!
    Thank you for sharing your travels!

  73. Happy Mother's Day to you Judy - I followed your blog for many years and you opened my eyes to many things - especially birds and National Wildlife Refuges and of course sponge candy. I used to read several RV/Travel blogs but quickly lost interest in the minutiae of their lives. However, your blog was different as you actually contributed something to society thru your volunteer work and I always learned something from you. Plus, you had one of the funniest tales ever told - "Emma and the Apache Tear" - second only to Rod's famous Roomba story. I think you chose a beautiful exit strategy which was perfectly timed and you have a lovely HOME at Jojoba Hills. You can continue to volunteer and your family can visit and I can just picture you and Emma zooming around on your golf cart. Enjoy your retirement and if you ever decide to write again or post some photos - I will be first in line to see them. Stay Happy and Healthy and "Keep Shootin' out on the Range" - Cindy in Ohio

  74. Wow, Judy, what a big change. But I can surely understand the reasons for it. I have enjoyed following along on your travels and I will miss you. I wish you and Emma all the very best in your new life.

  75. I agree with Moonfly. I am glad you are happy. Your blog was always a favorite. Sure do miss knowing what's going on with you. I hope you decide to talk to us every once in a while!! Thanks for the good times you provided.

  76. Just went and watched an introduction video about your park. Looks like there's a TON to do there! I hope the transition is going smoothly and you're very happy with the new house!

  77. I miss reading about you and Emma, and hope you are doing okay with your new home. Please drop a line just to let us know you are doing good !!!!

  78. And aren't you going to show us your new place?

  79. I keep hoping that you will show us your new digs. I understand your "real" retirement. Perhaps as you finish off this last chapter of exploration and adventure, you prefer not to take your readers with you. It would.help me to see you happy in your new abode.

    As you wish.

  80. Would REALLY love to see your new home and these up process! It would be a great tutorial for those of us who may follow along this path. We need the info!! I would also love to see that you and Emma are doing well.....

  81. I'm just now getting caught up with blogs and am surprised by your news. It sounds like you've made peace with what can't be an easy decision. Will miss knowing you are out on the road. :( But am happy to know you are in a great place.

  82. This comment has been removed by the author.

  83. Happy Memorial Day, Judy - I still check your blog everyday but don't really expect to see a new post - I'm sure you may be tempted to update but that would be like opening Pandora's Box ! You had such a perfect ending - you traded the RV keys for a permanent HOME with roots in a lovely community, said your farewells, and retired your travel blog. My only request would be that you someday change the masthead photo because I am getting awfully tired of that Borrego Springs dragon - even though you did shoot it from - The End !! Be happy and celebrate your Retirement - Thanks for the memories - Cindy in Ohio

  84. So glad I got to meet you when I did and did not miss out on that. Happy for the changes in your life. It looks to be a great place to 'put down roots' Lots to do with the people there and activities they have.. maybe sometime I will get to that area when I make a trip SoCal.. There is always something to blog about, trips to take adventures to have! Take Care.. hope to see more here in, maybe in a different format???

  85. We have loved loved loved following your travels and blog. We know good things await for you on your new path. If possible please continue to blog. You seem to always find adventure wherever you are planted.

  86. I'm sad to see your great informative blog ending.
    I will miss reading about your adventures and seeing your great photos.
    I wish you the best.
    Happy Trails
    Chris in Indiana

  87. I have practically quit blogging also ~ just various thises and thats of ... lifestyle. You know? I saw when I went to my ol blog to check on something ... I saw your blog on my blog roll on my sidebar and it said ... There comes a time ... and it was two months ago!

    I was hoping nothing was wrong ~ but when I read you were hanging it up .. honestly? I got a bit of ... hmm not a lump in my throat but a ... wow ... a beautiful era has come to an end. I enjoyed the years that I read your blog. I remember your incredible healing with your brother helping you through that time and how .. hah! my brother would... oh man ...

    well? Judy ... glad I did get to meet you even if it was such a short visit ~ I'm with the others ... I hope I see an update from you with your new digs ;)

    best of luck ~ and new adventures and all that living stuff ... I think I need to check out the rest of my blog roll ... so peculiar how we all go gung ho then .. meh then miss it then meh then .... wth ... then aw and some more wths ...

  88. First let us say how wonderful it was to meet you. We are so glad you had time to make the decision you wanted to make and had the time and forethought to check out your future home. Good luck, good luck, good luck, and as others had said keep us informed of how you and Emma are doing.

  89. Sure would be nice to have an update.

  90. Just a peek? How satisfied /dissatified you are with your new place? How is Emma? Feeling good about your choices?

  91. July 22, 2016: Happy Birthday, Judy. I hope you and Emma have gotten settled into your new digs and are enjoying your new home. Selfishly, I'd love to see pictures of your new home and neighborhood but I can understand you're done with blogging. Take care, Judy and Emma. You are missed.
    Cat Lady

  92. Please continue to take pictures and keep us posted on your transition.
    Please continue this blog-life is always an adventure. you have such a creative
    eye for beauty.I haven't told you enough how beautiful they are!
    Please keep your adventure in the every day things of life.

  93. Judy, I'll always have RV adventure memories that include you! Thank you for so many years of inspiration; now, on to new excitement!

  94. Judy, I'll always have RV adventure memories that include you! Thank you for so many years of inspiration; now, on to new excitement!

  95. I hope you get this comment among all the spam - You've had an amazing adventure on the road and now you'll have more staying in one place. I love the Mojave Desert and you'll find plenty of birds there, along with warm, dry weather.Check out my blogs from last year to see some of the places I visited when I lived and worked in California. You'll LOVE the burrowing owls, not too far from you. The best to you in your "new" life.

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