Wednesday, January 21, 2015

Kicked to the curb!

Remember last week when I mentioned that I was waffling between returning to Imperial NWR or not for next winter?  Well, yesterday, I went in to talk to the refuge manager about returning.  I shouldn’t have wasted all that time weighing pros and cons.  As I entered his office, he got up to close the door.  Not a good sign.  He then told me he had decided not to invite me back for next year.  I have to say that I was shocked.  This is the first time I’ve been told I couldn’t return as a volunteer to a refuge.  I was speechless.  It kind of knocked the stuffing out of me.

His reasoning was that I was not a self starter.  What?  Once I learned what all the duties were in the VC, I think I did them all.  Up until the first of the new year, we did not have very many visitors so there was a lot of down time.  He said he wanted someone that could find things to do.  I don’t know what else I could have done.  You can only clean so much, etc.  I asked for more things to do, but was thwarted. 

When there were no visitors, and nothing left to clean, I resorted to playing solitaire on my I-Pad.  I guess that was a mistake.  I should have just read a book.  That seems to be more acceptable. 

I suppose I could have pointed out the extra things I have done, like the first ever bird tours, but what’s the use?  The man’s mind was made up.  Besides which, I felt like I’d been punched in the gut.  Do I think there are other factors influencing this decision?  Yes, I do.  By what the manager said at the volunteer meeting last night, cuts will be made in visitor’s services and environmental education services to school children.  I feel he wants to cut his volunteer staff down to three couples next year even though there are seven RV sites.  I, of course, don’t have a spouse that can work maintenance…

I may be all wet in those assumptions.  Who knows?  I just needed to vent about this situation.  It sure has made me think about truly retiring and giving up this volunteer lifestyle.   I didn’t sleep very well last night, and today my stomach was still upset.

Luckily today I met Betty and Joe in Yuma for lunch today, and was able to lay some of my troubles on them.  Thanks you two for lunch and a friendly ear!  Guess I’ll just spend the next two months like a ‘lame duck’ working for a boss that thinks I’m under par…

On the way home from lunch, I stopped at the Gonzalez Farm Stand for some fresh broccoli after getting a hair cut.  Got a couple of heads for a buck.  As I handed over my dollar, Mr. Gonzalez said, “ Thank you sir.”

That seems to happen every time I get a hair cut.  I just chuckle.  Then he looked up from the money box, and said, “I’m so sorry, I see now that you are a Ma'am.”  Yep, I do have bazooms! Winking smile

Thanks for stopping by… talk to you later,  Judy


  1. Wow, what a shock. That's one manager that doesn't see the assets he has in front of him. Sounds like there's something he's not saying. Really sorry for the anguish he has caused. I really don't think you should retire, you have so much to offer the National Refuges! Becki

  2. No way should you retire! What a terrible loss that would be for the Refuges. I think you are right---there is more to it than he said. That guy must not be a blog reader; if he knew how revered you are as a volunteer, I think he would have a different attitude. Oh,well. Too bad you spent the time pondering what you should do. So often in life, we find that decisions are made for us! Meanwhile, his loss will be somebody else's gain.

  3. Wow, I'm speechless too! But thank you for giving us other potential volunteers a heads-up. So sorry this pinhead paper-shuffler has caused you such stress, but just keep visions of all the visitor faces you've encountered this Winter (and the years and years past as well)-- that excitement and sparkle in their eyes that you (and you alone) create after giving them a tour or sharing your knowledge, love of nature, and humor with them. If you're still creating those sparks, your service is still meaningful to the ones who really count!

  4. If this guy has to cut staff, he should have the balls to just say so, you don't have a spouse to work maintenance, etc. I wouldn't waste any time or energy brooding over this person who doesn't realize what a jewel he is letting slip through his fingers. My advice is to go somewhere that you know appreciates you.

  5. Give it a few days before you make any big changes or decisions. Hopefully then you will be able to find an assignment where you will be truly happy and appreciated. You are a National Asset and just need to find the perfect assignment.

  6. Since you have been at this refuge, it seems, just from your blog that you haven't neen as happy as you have been in other places. You are a people person and it seems the interaction with people isn't there at this place. I could be totally wrong. You are going to LOVE working in Oregon! You are a valued volunteer! Sorry for what this man has put you through, but he isn't being honest. Totally must be about money; don't worry, enjoy the remaining time there and then go be with people doing what you love.

  7. Something is rotten in Denmark...he sounds like a jerk that has his own agenda and you don't fit the mold. It is their loss as I know there are lots of places that want volunteers who actually do something. This guy must have his head buried in the sand:(

  8. THIS is why the husband and I have not volunteered. These petty little poppinjays would just be the bane of our existence, so we have refrained from the activity. I do hope you find something you like and that it provides you with sufficient blog fodder as I enjoy reading about your days very much.

    1. Allison, this in not how most volunteers are treated. My husband & I have been volunteering @ National Parks & Corps of Engineer Parks for 4 years. Our experience has been quite the opposite, more like Judy's other Refuges, our help is very much appreciated. Most volunteer coordinators do not hesitate to tell us how much they appreciate what we do for the parks. Becki

  9. If I had a nickel for every supervisor over my working lifetime that dissed me I could pay somebody to wash (and wax) your motorhome.

    Too often it's a professional jealousy thing, rather than the supervisor working harder to meet your standards, he's done the usual cheap shot thing and is trying to tear you down to his level. If he wants to crawl around in the mud, let him. You're better than that and just keep on doing what you excel at, you know you've done everything right and you can hold your head up high.

    He doesn't deserve to have a wonderful volunteer like you. There are a lot of other places that will love to have your talents and hard working ethics. You know, this is the lemonade out of lemons thing! :c)

  10. Not only shocked, but downright pissed! Can I say that? Then again, someone who is as sexist as this guy seemed to be probably didn't have a clue past the idea that you weren't the "little woman" behind some man doing maintenance. What a stupid person. His loss. Bet I know a ton of bloggers at least who will avoid that refuge in the future...or maybe go there and...and...ok...I won't say anything that would show my red headed revenge mode....I have had more fun at the refuges that you shared with us than any other ever. The bird tours are wonderful, your knowledge is wonderful. I do remember you saying something a couple of years ago about some refuges not hiring singles. Not a self starter....oh for pete's sake. I heard your stories about all the different things that you wanted to do that this jerk wouldn't allow you to do because you were not a man! Ok...I am seething again. Maybe he was threatened by you or something....because you weren't afraid to do whatever job they would let you do. Ok...I have to calm down and remind you that there are so many people who think so highly of you and your knowledge, this guy is a pipsqueak in the bucket....don't let it get you down, Judy, really, you will always have a place to go where you will be totally welcome. We all know that.

  11. Oh, geez. When I read the first part of this post I could feel the punch in the stomach, too. We all know when we're doing a good job, and I think it has to be about him. I so feel for you, I know how you must have felt - speechless. Please don't let this stop you from volunteering when you are so good at it, and enjoy it so much. Honestly, I would have a problem working there now. I think I'd have a "death in the family" in about a week and need to leave suddenly. That sounds terrible, but how can you work for someone, or I should say, volunteer for someone, when you aren't being appreciated? I couldn't do it. I'd use the next week looking for another place to be. :( PS - Quartzsite has lots of RV parks that are inexpensive on a monthly rent basis. Or so I'm told. After January. :)

  12. With your track record I would say the problem lies with him. Soldier on, you'll find a better place.

  13. That guy is crazy, Judy. Sounds like he wants free slave labor and doesn't know how to manage or treat his volunteers. Wipe the dust from your feet and look ahead.

    1. I think the good ole boy treated men ok, it was just women he had a problem with. I think at least from some of the comments Judy made to me. Too often in natural resources, where I worked for almost 40 years, the good ole boy mentality rules. Not to say that many agencies are trying to work on the problem, but there are many backwaters locations where it still is achingly present. I mentor some young women in soils who are dealing with it often.

  14. so very sorry to hear you are being 'kicked to the curb'..the man wouldn't know a good thing if it 'hit him up the side of the head'..
    hold your head up high..Oregon awaits your expertise!!

  15. So would you really want to work with someone like that manager? I think not. Life is too short and you are too valuable a resource for all the other refuges that appreciate you. I think he has done you a favor, actually. Roll that Class A home of yours right over his curb, lady. :)

  16. What an experience,Go ahead with your life.All the best.
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  17. I've had that experience before, and it definitely does feel like a kick in the gut. I would have a really hard time working for this manager for another two months. Bad enough if you're at least getting paid for it, but just volunteering? I would be moving on sooner rather than later.

  18. Well I am dumbfounded. I'd sure like to ask him what mire you could do than you did. Since you were conflicted anyway, not coming back sounds like a good thing. Even a great site can't make up for boredom on the job. Not worth your time. He's lucky. you don't head out early since you clearly aren't appreciated. It's not like you are being paid. I know I would feel pretty slapped and uncomfortable staying another two months. I am too old and Life is too short for that. I am so sorry for thus Judy.

  19. I am sure that not being asked back came as a shock, but I believe that there must be other things going on. For instance, cutting back the number of volunteers to reflect low visitation may be a reason. The fact that you are a single may be another. Their problems, not yours!!

    That being said, it didn't sound like you were loving it, and as they say "When one door closes another opens." I'll bet you won't have any trouble finding a place that you enjoy, and that appreciates your considerable talents.

  20. I'm sorry this happened. I would also be extremely upset, especially since you are a volunteer! I think you hit the nail on the head though, he's looking for volunteers with two people for the "price" of one. It's easy in your head to tell yourself that you won't let it bother you, but harder to actually not let it happen. He sounds like a young person with no common sense and a big sense of importance. Feel better.

  21. You are loved and appreciated by people that matter. And people that don’t matter - well, don’t waste your time thinking about them!

    Go back and read some of your old blogs. You have helped a lot of people find the joy in watching nature.

    You could start looking for parks that have had a last minute cancellation and are asking for volunteers right now. There is no need to be around miserable people. Volunteering is suppose to be fun!

  22. Judy, please do not let this idiot's insane opinion affect you in any way. the guy is a tool. You're a gem it's too bad the guy and the park is losing out, big time, because of him.

  23. Your fan club would be happy to write to the jerk's boss and open his eyes.

    1. Yeah, I had that thought as well, but didn't want to make Judy's stay there any worse till she can get outta there.

  24. I would have played soulitaire too if there was nothing to do. Don't let it get to you. I'm sure you will find a better place for next winter.

  25. I too felt like I had been punched in the gut!! I don't think I could stay there for two more months--what a moron!! Maybe we should all take Cyndi and Stumpy's suggestion!!

  26. well it will be his and the refuge's loss. don't lose any sleep over it as there are many better opportunities ahead of you...

  27. I feel the same as others. Hook up the horses and leave today. Not worth giving your precious time to them. I also didn't feel your love for the place in your writing. We all love you Judy. Head on down the road.

  28. I have not met you in person, but have been reading your blog for awhile and have learned so much. Just yesterday when hiking was wishing you were with us to be able to impart some of your vast knowledge.... I so hear you about the kick in the gut (have been there done that) but please, I hope you will continue to share your enthusiasm and knowledge.

  29. Congratulations on the news. It leaves you open to even better options that will come your way without any worry about not going back there. In my case the moment I am told I am not wanted somewhere I get packing and go looking for the next place. No lame ducking allowed for me. Now you have more freedom for trying to have tooooo much fun.

  30. It's definitely hie loss! This will only open new doors for greater opportunities and service...
    You are too young to retire!

  31. Not only do you volunteer your time and labor but you inspire others to volunteer thru your blog. Retire when you are ready to retire not when some idiot blames you for his own short comings.

  32. That "punched in the gut" feeling may lessen but it will continue to gnaw in your stomach. YOU need to take control of the situation and get the upper hand - I agree with what others have said - and especially Edfrey - if the manager wants to see a real "self-starter" - just go START your engine !!!

  33. There are times you just cannot fix is their loss as we have been saying about some of our 2014 circumstances. Take what he said and file it someplace but do not dwell on is only HIS not make it your opinion!

  34. As one who thoroughly enjoyed my refuge tour expertly guided by yourself, I would have to say your boss doesn't know what he's talking about.

  35. Well, you know who you are, and what your capable of, and so do a lot of other people that you have worked for and with... So don't take this dude to heart too much... But like Jessica Riker says above, I 'm not too sure I could finish the remaining time with this guy knowing what he thinks about you.... There are plenty of free campsite up here around Quartzsite, so I might be tempted to tell him bye bye.... It might cost a little gas for your generator, but its getting warmer every day now....

  36. Leaving that sexist pig immediately seems to be the best option. He doesn't deserve any of your expertise and can clean his own bathrooms.

  37. Oh my cyber-friend Judy... So many others have very eloquently said what I feel and think!

    But we all know that before the small mans talk you had already made the decision to not return... Children just like to be in control, so he took the play away from you.

  38. There are many places in the southwest that would love to have you. To develop new programs as the bird tours speaks highly of you and your talents. The tour that you gave us last winter was wonderful and truly opened our eyes to the wonders of birds. Whatever you do Judy, our best wishes go with you. Hugs!

  39. Aghast! I totally agree with so many of the comments above. I don't think I could continue on for another two months under the circumstances. His greatest stupidity was insulting you so vehemently with two months of time to go. What was he thinking? One presumes that his brain power in all areas is similar to this idiocy.

    I am definitely suppressing the urge to get out my "poison pen typewriter" to let him have the "benefit" of my thoughts.

    Still aghast!!!

    Virtual hugs,


  40. that man doesn't know a good thing when he sees it don't let him bother you Judy...just go on as before knowing that you are great bird lady...all your blog friends love you so put him out of your mind and move on down the road tweeting happily away...

  41. I wear my hair very short also. The samething happens to me right after a cut. Just makes me smile. Love my short hair!!

  42. Ya know, we could all write to the refuge asking for a reservation for a Bird Tour with Judy......Oh, She is no longer doing them. OK, never mind, we will go wherever she is. To the volunteer coordinator: What was your name again?

  43. Oh oh! I better get over to the refugee for a tour before you're gone - glad you're going to be the for a little bit anyway.
    Sorry that guy doesn't fully appreciate what he's got (I tend to think, as others have guessed, that there are factors at work that have little to do with you).
    Don't let it get you down!

  44. Oh Judy, I'm so mad I could spit! The nerve of the ..the ...scumball! You're one of the most inspiring people I know and don't let anybody tell you different, you hear!
    I'd go ahead with your plan to go to the Bloggerfest in Quartzsite this Saturday .... but I'd take Emma and the rig with me and STAY there! Good riddance to bad rubbish!

  45. Take care. From a fellow short haired fish & wildlife refuge volunteer. It would be hard for me to stay two more months.

  46. What a loser. Your boss, definitely not you. He doesn't appreciate what he has. Bet there are dozens of opportunities awaiting you. Hope to see you Saturday.

  47. It probably is very hard to stay where you obviously are not wanted, but you probably feel like finishing your agreement. It sounds like he doesn't know what he has.

  48. Your boss is a first-rate bozo. Too bad you couldn't just pull up stakes and leave him in the dust.

  49. WOW what a slap in the face. If he had to cut back he should have just been honest and said so, not make up some lame ass excuse about your work. didn't he like the extra business you brought in? Hang in there.

  50. I was "kicked to the curb" once in my working career ... and it came at me out of left field. Unexpected and undeserved. I felt like I'd been punched in the gut. Days later, I was still shaking my head, as if to clear cobwebs or something. It took me a while to realize something much better was in store for me! And some time after that, I felt grateful to have left that employ (tho not of the method used).

    So ... bottom line? Something much, much better is waiting for you next winter, and you'll be so glad you're not at Imperial, never mind his methods. Idiots are everywhere. You ain't one of them!

  51. I am so totally speechless. However, I firmly believe that something much better is in store for you. I didn't get a position with IRS that I thought I was a shoe-in for. About destroyed me until six weeks later a position that was much better suited for me became mine. But I was totally devastated for quite awhile. When I look back now it was one of the best things that ever happened in my career. You are an amazing women who is loved by so many people. Think of all the places that you've volunteered that would love to have you back. Just too bad you had to have such a jerk for a "boss". What an idiot.

  52. I have always said that management does matter! If it is bad, things will only get worse. Hidden motivations are almost always behind decisions that do not make sense. Shake it off and consider the source. Sometimes these kind of surprises turn into a chance to rethink what the next move is:)

  53. Knowing me I would probably have walked out of that office, packed up & headed on down the road. I do respect your respect for your fellow workers. It's a tough call & one you will no doubt learn something from & become even stronger in your future endeavors.

  54. Funny that the other places don't share this guy's opinion, a lot more on the opposite side of this jerk.

  55. Wow! That's a shocker. I have to believe there's other stuff going on too, but if it were me I don't think I could stay another 2 months. Not after something like that. So sorry you got hit like this.

  56. By the way if you haven't seen this site, it's a great way to get the word out on your workamping experiences:

  57. Wow, unbelievable. Talk about a complete lack of management skills. You bring so much to any volunteer position. I would definitely let all your volunteer friends know about this treatment. He doesn't deserve to have any volunteer help.

  58. I tried to leave a comment yesterday but the internet signal was a mess, so here we are today wanting to send you a comment of sympathy. I agree that the manager is not doing good management! He must not have what it takes to see what is right in front of him!

  59. Volunteering is hard work and just like paid work a bad boss will eventually show up on your doorstep. Like others have posted, know that the problem is not you, and keep up the good work. Hopefully you can move on to the next adventure very soon because staying around will get very uncomfortable and annoying. It would be a shame to see you get arrested for causing this man to have a very squeaky voice!! ;)

  60. Judy,

    With as many refuges as you have worked at I guess I'm a bit surprised that his decision shocked you. I have much less experience of government volunteering but one thing I learned by having sort of back-of-the-store access at the Forest Service is that there are wheels within wheels within wheels when it comes to government; and a huge number of decisions are made for policy decisions that have nothing to do with accomplishing their mandates.

    When I left the Forest Service I carefully ran through what needed doing with the one person designated to replace me, then I did the same with him and his boss. I was interested to note that the boss had no intention of seeing that the tasks got done. He was relying upon their inability to accomplish those duties in order to find additional funding to increase their staffing (and not particularly to do that job)

    I'm sure the refuge manager sees the job in front of him, but depending on how long he's been on the refuge he may be looking for advancement at another refuges and needing to show 'improvements' -- and we all know that improvements are not always improvements; sometimes they are nothing more than budgetary column changes that look good to management.

    Take heart! You know the job you've done; and all you can do is the best you can do -- which I have no doubt you did. The fact that they may have other plans, or may choose to achieve different goals next year is no reflection on you.

    Hang in there.


  61. Bazooms, hahahaha... sorry about the nasty super, he just does not know the jewel that he has!! And am sure there is a little of the discrimination going on there too!!! We LOVE you and know the wonderful job you do in all the volunteering you do.. take care. Just what would you do if you did something else? or retired? or lived a life of leisure?

  62. Judy,
    What a shock! To most of us here in blog land, you are "the bird lady." We know you love your volunteer work and you are an expert. You are well within your rights to be shocked and feel "kicked in the gut."

    You will just have to be like the ducks and let his useless comments flow off your back like water rolls off a duck. I'd be migrating out of there right about now. Crane your neck while whooping it up on the way out of the refuge, and start humming like a bird as you roll off into the sunset. Don't go bats, however!


  63. Unless you feel leaving now would put you in a bad light and affect future employment, leave now. Can't fix stupid. With my short hair I get called sir often too. Kinda bugs me but, what the heck.

  64. I can't wait until the day I cut it all off...but every time I go short it just looks like a crazy mess. I figure when the gray is almost complete I'll be able to pull it off as the grays seem to be a lot straighter than my dark hair. I'll probably get called sir too, for I do not have much in the way of bazooms. Bad luck for them they don't get to keep you there next year, most likely good luck for you as that means you can do something else, somewhere else.

  65. I think in reading all the comments you know we all know how valuable you are. This guy doesn't know what an advocate you have been for all the refuges you have volunteered at. Many of wouldn't know about these places if it weren't for you. It's always hard when someone devalues you but all of us out here in blogland know your value so I agree wipe the dust off and move to where you are appreciated. You deserve better.

  66. I'm just catching up after being on the road a few days. After reading your post and then all the comments, there isn't much more I could add... they've pretty much said what I think.... it does kinda sound like there's more that he's not saying.... but you may never know. I totally agree with whoever said when one door closes another opens.... I sure hope this bad experience doesn't change your whole attitude about volunteering... this just leaves you open for other places where you'll be appreciated.

  67. Just reading over your latest posts after the fun pictures of the Blogger Fest, and I came across this sentence, "Most all of the other volunteers have been in to talk to the manager, but I still need a few days to think about things."

    Maybe by not jockeying for position through his door with the other volunteers, you hurt his wittle ego. ;-)

  68. Last year we volunteered at a county park system in Arizona. It was a beautiful park but the manager was an idiot. He was so lazy that he turned over the management to some of the volunteer staff who had been coming back year after year! We were very unhappy there but we stayed and completed the 5 month commitment that we had given him. I wanted to leave after 3 months. Later on we happened to run into Linda and Ron (Nana25) and I mentioned the experience. She was adamant that we should have left reminding us that we are volunteers and do not have to stay when things are going wrong, for any reason. So as I'm sure Linda would say, pack up and leave! It will not be fun staying now that you know how this misogynistic a**h**l feels. His loss and your gain! Spend the rest of Sunday packing up, go into his office on Monday and tell this idiot that you are leaving. Best Regards and respect, Karen

  69. Well, there you have it. He's an idiot times ten and doesn't deserve you. In fact, I hope you feel you are able to walk in tomorrow, lay down your uniform or badge or guide stick (?) and just leave. Let him find out how hard it is to "self-start," whatever that means.

  70. Sorry, I'm late reading this blog. Been a rough few days for me with Yuma running off and all. I just can't believe those Imperial management folks. The best thing is to not let it bother you. Learn what you can from the experience and move on.

    I was just there last week. Left my MH there while I was away attending my father's funeral. I really like the town of Yuma and of course, their Humane Society.

  71. Unless you have a signed contract, wave goodbye to this guy with one finger! Spend the next couple months doing just what you want. Keeping people against their will is called kidnapping.

    You have been a real inspiration for me. I went to the Atlanta RV show yesterday. I wanted to see how the interiors of these big RVs are with the slides thing. I found a couple I felt like I could make my home.

    You know SO much! I am totally blown away by your birding skills! You add to the body of knowledge about every place you go by doing the bird inventories. OMG at your photography! I look foreward to it all the time.

    Unless you just are not feeling any fun at it anymore, then plow on. I can't be as good as you, but I can staff a VC to free up a paid staff member. I can be taught how to mow or do duck counting with hunters.

    I really wanted to stay with my family and enjoy my grandchildren, pick them up from school, have time to make Grammy memories. They don't need me. They are suggesting that I move to The Villages in FLA. Or perhaps one of the residential places that warehouse old folk in nice surroundings. Poop on that!

    You consistently fill a need. You do something that really makes the world a better place. I have no idea how you found it in your self to spend a summer painting that damn fence, but you were doing something useful and I get a strong feeling that all your other assignments the folk have been grateful. Do not allow one person to destroy your perception of who you are to all these places.

    I know I can never be you, but I am looking tentatively at doing what I can. My personal philosophy is that I am Indiana Jones and my life will be as much of an adventure as I make it.

    I have had to figure out how to change myself throughout my working career. I have been slow on the uptake, but now that I have "the picture" I see that I have an opportunity to do something fun and travel, and leave a little good behind me where I go. You are who I want to be as I shuffle down the road of life. I may not be fast, but I am still able to be useful and needed.

    You just need a few days to find your stuffins and get it all put back in place. Honest, go to Ranger Dirt and just say you feel awkward hanging around two more months where you now know you don't fulfill their requirements. May I be released early from this assignment so I won't slow your operation here any more than I already have? Spend those two months doing something delightful and fun. Or call a place where you know you are appreciated and like the folks and be where people do appreciate you. As for me, well it appears to me that at 63 I need to remake myself again. But this time, I will be pointing myself toward a place where I can be useful.

    Have some TUMS and a glass of wine and build your plan! I know it will be terrific!

    I think you need to spoil yourself with a spa day. Let all that negative energy go!

    You are a remarkable person. Don't let this one guy destroy your vision of you.

  72. Judy- You are the third person that I have heard that had bad experience with Imperial. I know of two couples who were kicked to curb and asked to leave. Don't let it get you down. I agree with everyone else, pack up your stuff and head somewhere to enjoy. The Friends group at Aransas is looking for someone to work in their bookstore. You can't stay on the Refuge but they are willing to pay for an RV site at a campground a mile from the Refuge. I'd be happy to give you the contact person for you to contact if you're interested.

  73. I am real sorry to hear this about you not returning next year. I just hope you will find a place of your liking be it the Texas coast or whatever. I heard of a position in the northern latitudes something to the effect of living out of a igloo but of course I could be wrong….

  74. Hi Judy: I'm late reading this and feel badly you got the boot from this jerk "manager."

    He makes a Minniesnowda winter look real pleasant, doesn't he? I know something that you and Emma will be happy with will be along soon and if there is one bit of advice from your RV friends I'd take, it would be to walk out on this place pronto! You will have more time to look around and you will lose that queasy stomach!

    Take care and best wishes from
    Jo and Stella in Minniesnowda

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