Just like last Saturday, I did next to nothing today. It had been a busy week, and it was dreary with a few sprinkles today. That’s my story, and I’m sticking to it. I couldn’t even muster up the ambition to go get a 1/2 gallon of milk.
It’s a good thing I had the second half of yesterday’s wildlife drive to post pictures from tonight. The drive is only three miles long, but it was packed with water birds.
It was nice to see this young alligator (about 4’ long). This guy was squeaky clean looking. The gators I saw at Anahuac all had lots of mud on them. I only spotted two alligators on the drive, but I’m sure there were more out there.
I even found two black-necked stilts sitting on eggs. I’d sure like to get some photos of the chicks hatching, but I’ll be long gone by then.
What a productive wetland area this is. Great egrets are usually camera shy, so I’m lucky I got these shots.
The thistles up North won’t be blooming for a couple of months yet, but the plants down here are already going to seed. I’ve become accustomed to temps in the 80’s the last few weeks, so I may be in for a shock as I head North next week.
This is part of a flock of about 100 fulvous whistling ducks that I encountered. I’ve never seen a flock this large before. I usually only see two at a time.
And who could pass up a chance at a shot like this of the abundant killdeer? I’m sure there was a nest nearby, as this bird went into it’s broken wing act just after this photo.
My personal favorite for the day was finding this cooperative green heron. I could have watched it hunting the bank forever. Several cars had to pass me along the drive. They probably did the route in about ten minutes, whereas it took me about an hour and a half. They may not have been bird watchers. It’s amazing what you can see if you slow down and really open your eyes and ears.
Now all I have to do is remember to call the Visitor’s Services Manager for the refuge complex after the weekend is over. (sometimes that remembering is a problem) There are three NWRs in this complex, and the intern told me they have a hard time getting volunteers since they require 32 hours/week. Traveling solo, I’m pretty used to that requirement even though I think it’s too much. Of course, if that’s what they require for each member of a couple, it makes me wonder if they require even more hours from a solo. If they do, it will be their loss. 32 is my absolute maximum.
A thought popped into my head this afternoon. Why is it that when people use swear words in their conversation, some of them say pardon my French? Does this mean that French speaking people swear all the time?
Thanks for stopping by…. talk to you later, Judy