Friday, May 14, 2010

Why "old" people don't have children

They say that youth is wasted on the young.  Well, let me tell you that there is one thing that the young can have, and that is raising a family.  I had three children in just under five years, and I don't remember it being such a challenge!  I had both my grandsons and Emma inside the rig today, and it was a circus.  One at a time, they are manageable for me, but not together.  My rig is not childproof, and Seth found every button, knob, and switch to mess with.  That was while his brother, Joseph, started throwing dog toys through the air.  Guess what that did to Emma, the wild child!  I will not comment on how any of my kids raise their children, but suffice it to say that two little boys were escorted out of the rig.  I'm too old for that kind of shenanigans!

My son, Andy, got home from work a little early today, so I snatched him up for a couple of pictures.

He is on active duty with the National Guard.  Such a handsome young man!  (personal bias, of course)

This is his serious Sergeant look.  He is proud to be serving, and I am proud of him.   He and his family are off to a cookout with Kelly's relatives, so Emma and I are just chill-in', and recuperating from the day's onslaught of grandchildren.  :)  By the way, the sun did finally shine today.  Yahoo!

I've been thinking about how I'm going to transfer everything from this rig to the new one, if I decided I like it.  (I know... there's not much doubt about that, but I had to put in a qualifier just in case.)   I plan to ask them if I can drive the new, to me, rig to Andy's driveway and spend a couple of days making the transfer before driving my present rig back to the dealer's.  It's not like I can run off with two vehicles by myself, and I have been a customer of theirs for many moons.  It would also give me a chance to do a thorough cleaning job with my present rig while it's empty.  I hope they go for that idea.  It would sure be a lot easier on me than emptying out this rig to the garage, and then making the transfer.  I'm keeping my fingers crossed.  :)

Thanks for stopping to you later,  Judy


  1. Judy, You are sure right about raising kids in our older years. When we are with our 2 young "grands" they can really tire us out.

    Your son, Andy, is indeed a handsome man. Blessings to him and his family as they have made sacrifices in order to serve our nation!

    Have a good weekend.

  2. Emma and the horse are great. Thanks.

    When I switched rigs, I parked them with the doors facing each other. Then I would put an 8' long, 24" wide piece of 3/4" plywood across the door thresholds, and just move everything like that.
    My knees don't do steps very well, and I didn't want to stress them.
    I hope your new rig is as expected, so we can hear all about it, with pictures.
    Happy Trails, Penny, TX

  3. I remember my grandmother, who took care of a baby granddaughter whose mother died, saying that she knew why God didn't let old women have babies. It sure wears me out just being around them. I also realize that I have more patience with the babies and toddlers, and less with the little kids who are testing their wings and trying to be independent. I know it's good for them and it's what they have to do, but grandparents can't deal with it.

    Your son is indeed a fine looking man. Thanks to him and all who serve our country.

  4. Penny, What a great idea for transferring belongings! I hope I can use that idea.

    I have two of my three kids still serving their country. All three have served. Hoowah! Support out troops!!!

  5. Great header photo of Emma & the horse doing smooches:))

  6. Another of lifes coincidences, Our youngest son is an Andy, Also thank him from one Vet to another for his service to our country, We had 4 sons and only one , our son Tim, served in the military, during desert storm and we are fortunate to have him home and now raising a family, It's not for everyone, but it sure made a man out of him, Your son is a good looking young man you can be rightfully proud of. The new header picture is a real keeper, just look at the looks on both of those animals faces. just one of wonder. Hope it goes well for you on getting the new rig, Be safe out there, Sam & Donna.

  7. G-Kids are great!
    And Great we can give them back at the end of the day!
    Handsome son!
