Monday, May 17, 2010

I’m getting the hang of it

After posting my dismay with blogger last night, several folks commented that I should indeed investigate using Live Writer to write my blog each night.  So, I googled it and began to download the program.  At one point I was asked which programs I wanted to download, and I chose only Live Writer.  Yea right!  The download took a half hour and included all of the products.  So much for choosing what I wanted.  :)

Anyway, I gave it a little try this afternoon, and it worked.  There is a learning curve involved here, so you’ll have to be patient while I learn the ropes.  One of the blogs that I read everyday and admire is TRAVEL WITH THE BAYFIELD BUNCH :)).  Al, from Bayfield, Ontario, is one of the people that recommended Live Writer, so I’m practicing imbedding a link with his blog.  Hopefully, I did it correctly.  You should be able to click on the highlighted area and go directly to his blog. 


SAM suggested I try several other things with my pictures, but I haven’t figured out how to do that yet.  :)  This is Mount Rainier in Washington state. I’m just going to use some photos from my travels to tinker around in this evening’s blog post. 

I’m already liking that misspellings are underlined while I type, and I can right click on the word to get suggested spellings.  Cool beans!!

This morning, I was on the road a little before 8:00 to take the Focus in for the repairs.  They gave me a rental car for the next two or three days, so I’m free to move around.

IMG_0244Maybe one of you readers can tell me how I could label photos such as this.  I’d like it to say “the salmon run at the Bandon Fish Hatchery in Oregon.”





Caddo Lake State Park in Texas.









Banding young brown pelicans at Pea Island National Wildlife Refuge in North Carolina.




So far, I’m thinking that Live Writer is a wonderful improvement from writing on blogger.  Thanks, guys for recommending it.  :)

IMG_0008I leave you with a sunset at Richmond Lake Recreation Area in South Dakota.  Hope you didn’t mind my fiddling around with this new bit of technology.

Thanks for stopping by….talk to you later,  Judy


  1. I know there are lots of folks who swear by it, but I honestly don't understand it. I can embed links from Blogger, and misspelled words are underlined. I can import photos, and I'm not interested in doing creative things with the blog layout, so I think maybe some folks should stick to the blogger they know and understand? Such as me....

    Personally, I don't think much of blogger to begin with, but once you've passed the basic learning curve it is probably more trouble than it's worth to try to find a better one, and I really haven't seen one that I am overwhelmed by.

  2. Your link worked fine Judy...Thanks:)) To imbed an invisible caption on your photo....Click your picture & then look to the right side control panel. Click on 'Advanced' towards the top. Now look down to where it says, 'Alternate text: Type in your caption & then just click any blank spot in your blog body. Now, hoover your mouse over the photo & you should see your caption. Not sure if that is what you had in mind but that is one way of doing captions. I just type them in below the pics. Nice photos in your blog today too.

  3. Great job, Judy! That's what it takes, just a little practice and you'll feel more confident with Live Writer!

    Banding a young brown pelican looks very exciting with that big beak! LOL

    Gorgeous sunset from ND!!

  4. Today, some of your photos covered over your writings. Missed some of the first words of a paragraph and in one the photo covered a whole paragraph.

  5. You have some AWESOME pics. Thank you. If I keep collecting pics for my screen saver, I'll never see them all. Need to find something else to do with them.
