Friday, December 5, 2008

Bad Hair Day

One of the challenges of living on the road is getting a good haircut. I wear my hair short, so you wouldn't think there could be much that could go wrong with a cut. Think again. I usually stop at a local Wal-Mart to get a trim about once a month. When I was on my way to the Balloon Fiesta in Albuquerque in October, I stopped in Aztec, NM, for a cut. In less than ten minutes, the longest hairs on my head were about an inch long. A little severe, but then you generally don't meet anyone you know while traveling.

Fast forward to the end of November and I drove to the Wal-Mart in Port Isabel for a trim. I told the hair dresser that I just wanted it a little shorter. I'm not sure she spoke English, but I think she was related to the woman in Aztec. When I returned to the refuge I received some interesting comments from the other volunteers: "Wow, you sure did get a hair cut!" "Where did you go, so I can go somewhere else?" "Boy, I thought your hair was short before!" and finally..."I didn't know you had those cowlicks". After their initial shock, they're parting shot was "Oh well, that's the good thing about hair, eventually it grows out." There's nothing like good friends to make you feel better. ;) My reaction to all of this was to go inside and put on some earings. Don't want anyone confused as to my gender......

This is the picture I was trying to upload the other day showing how we light up the engines each night. So far it has worked.

Yesterday I worked eight hours at the hunter check station. We had about 230 hunters on the refuge yesterday and it is always interesting to talk to them as they come in after a day out in the wilds. I respect the fortitude of these archery men and women. The count is up to about fifty animals taken so far. Last year 75 animals were taken during the archery hunt and we have four days (and a busy weekend) left this year.

The animals aren't totally at their mercy though, many of them head over to the unit where hunting is not allowed.

I'll be working the check station again this afternoon and evening so I'd better start getting ready.

Thanks for stopping to you later, Judy

1 comment:

  1. Printed up your blog and read it to Ma. She really enjoyed it. Liked the big eared deer. You shoud have a photo of your hair cut.
